~~~~ Coming Together ~~~~

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L saw her chance and moved fast, she ran around Bryce and slashed out. She made contact with something and a piercing scream filled the house. L's ears rang and soon she was being pulled up into the air. She looked up to see giant wings had sprouted from the back of the shapeshifter, it was lifting her up and heading towards the windows. L wasn't about to let it take her anywhere. She pulled her claws out of the leg they'd got caught in and then slashed at the foot holding her, using as much force as she could muster. 

The shapeshifter-Demon soon dropped her. L used magic to slow her descent and fell into a roll so she could turn and face the creature, which was spilling dark red blood all over the floor. L prepared to attack again, she saw the creature's focus turn to the Worcesters, who were still huddled together out of the way.

L ran as fast as she could to intercept the creature and felt a talon rip into her thigh. L managed to ignore it, taking her chance, she cut across the side of the shapeshifter. It screamed and L heard the sound of metal grinding against something hard, she was momentarily befuddled until she saw Bryce standing on the other side of the creature. He must have jammed his dagger into it and hit something hard, the creature was wailing and kicking.

Bryce's dagger was still sticking out of its side when it crashed backwards and knocked everything over including the Christmas tree. It began to transform into something else and L wished she was hallucinating; a giant, glistening black scorpion was stood in the hallway and it was turning on them. Bryce's dagger fell to the floor covered in congealed blood, it looked feeble now in comparison. The scorpion was huge and looked indestructible. L had to hope her claws would work on this thing before the tail got a chance to strike; it was looming menacingly overhead and L knew there would be poison in it. 

She pushed away the information trying to get through about shapeshifting Demons. Now that the adrenaline was slowly being taken over by pain she could feel other things. Like the ringing in her ears and the clicking noise from the scorpions pincers, L knew they'd have to take it down now or they wouldn't all make it out. She glanced at Bryce who was staring down the scorpion, he had nothing in his hands and L wondered what kinds of magic he knew because that's all he had now.

The scorpion advanced on them and L took a quick look back at the Worcesters to make sure they were alright before she moved to stand beside Bryce. She managed to conjure up some offensive magic and saw Bryce with fireballs in both hands. It was risky to unleash them in the house but they had no choice.

Bryce threw one and hit the scorpion square in the face, it reared up and screeched but when it came down again it seemed unaffected. Bryce threw more but all they seemed to do was slow it down, they needed something stronger. She dug deep in her core for more magic, more power or some other way to defeat the creature. Then it hit her, the creature had to bring L back alive which meant it couldn't kill her no matter what she did to it. 

L began to move while Bryce was throwing everything he had at the creature, it still had no effect and L questioned whether it had some kind of armour on. She kept moving but the creature didn't seem interested, it was too busy trying to get to Bryce and the Worcesters. L used this to her advantage.

She moved as quickly as she could until she was stood at the base of the tail; it was massive compared to her and L had to act quickly before she lost her nerve. She reached out and slashed at the tail, the creature let out an ear piercing cry. L worked fast, attempting to get her claws through its armour-like skin. The creature swept around and bore down on L, its pincers were snapping away and it gripped her injured leg tightly in one of them. 

L screamed and realised too late that it didn't need to kill her, just cause her too much pain to be a problem. The diversion was just what they needed though, while the scorpion was distracted Bryce had time to move to where his dagger lay on the floor.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now