~~~ It's A Power, Not Puberty ~~~

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L had never given anyone a Christmas present before. The few times she had even celebrated Christmas in a foster home, the presents had been bought by her foster parents and someone would put her name on.

"No, we can't but it's the thought that counts. The fact that you've even thought about buying someone something, or put care into a homemade gift, that's what matters, especially in this family."

He raised his brow at her and smiled knowingly. He was including her in that sentiment and L was a little surprised at him. He wasn't usually as open as Mrs Worcester or Robbie, but he was a straight talking man and L didn't question that he meant what he said.

Mrs Worcester suddenly shouted up to Robbie from the hallway and interrupted L's thoughts. L listened but there was no sound of Robbie moving and when Mrs Worcester walked into the room she looked to L.

"Could you check on him please, dear? He's been acting a little strangely since that spell took a hold of you, also, you're a little faster than the two of us." Mrs Worcester smiled but L could see she was more worried than she was letting on.

L took a few quick bites of her food and nodded, "Sure," she said with a hand over her mouth and ran upstairs with a little extra speed.

She knocked on Robbie's door but there was no answer, L frowned and knocked again- silence. She listened a little harder and could hear a slow heartbeat coming from inside. L's frown deepened, she turned her heat vision on to look into his room before barging in, just in case he was asleep.

She was shocked at what she saw inside and shoved the door open immediately. Robbie was perched on the windowsill, staring out of the open window but L's shock came from what her heat vision picked up. He was radiating heat at an alarmingly high level, yet she couldn't feel any of it coming from him.

"Robbie?!" L shouted to him as she switched her heat vision off and he jumped so hard he nearly fell out of the window. L ran forward to catch him and pulled him away, he looked down at her with a frown.

"What is it?"

"We've been shouting you for the last ten minutes, I knocked on your door and you didn't answer but..."

"Sorry, I was in a world of my own, what's wrong?" He still seemed distracted and L watched him carefully, switching her heat vision on just to be sure of what she saw.

"You are really hot," she blurted out, unsure how else to explain it to him.

She knew that most people and creatures were light red at their core with yellow and green thrown in around the limbs. Vampires were pale yellow all over, due to having little to no body heat. But Robbie was bright red everywhere, she had to switch off before it damaged her eyes.

Robbie laughed heartily, he had snapped out of his daze and he pursed his lips.

"Wow thanks, I didn't know you felt that way."

L grimaced at him and shook her head, "Not like that and you know it. I checked in on you with heat vision and you're feverishly hot. Are you coming down with something?"

"Oh don't, mum would love that, no I feel fine, great actually. Is that the first time you've used one of your abilities on me though?"

L watched him closely and switched her heat vision back on, he was radiating bright red and technically should have been burning where he stood, it made no sense.

She turned it back off and nodded, "Suped-up hearing for keeping you all safe, but I've had no reason to use that particular one on anybody really, until now. But seriously, you're like a bright red beacon, are you sure you're alright?" L didn't like the idea of him getting sick in the middle of everything else they had going on.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now