Chapter 1

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On the outskirts of a neighboring kingdom named Daxemore, there lived a young boy of the name Caesar Amcotts. He lived with his uncle, Cregan, and two cousins, Natalia and April. While they had all once lived in Everheart, they had moved a few years after the murder of the royal family. Now, their lives were peaceful as they tended to their simple cottage in the rural countryside near a town called Lanceford. Caesar had come to the care of his uncle only a few years into his life. His father had been a soldier that died in the civil war of Everheart, and his mother had grown sick from her sorrow after her husband had died. Caesar did not mind living with his uncle for, to him, he was like a father, and his two cousins were the sisters he felt lucky enough to have. He did not remember his birth parents, so that was why he found himself easily being able to replace them with the family he now had.

Natalia's voice rose above the sound of my axe as the wood beneath its blade splintered and broke into halves. "Caesar, Dad wants you to go into town to pick up April's medicine. Don't forget to take the doctor his eggs this time, alright? You know you'll be in trouble if you forget them again."

I stood up straight and wiped the sweat from my brow, wishing the feel of spring would catch up with the blooming flowers already. Looking over at Natalia who was leaning out the kitchen window in her favorite blue dress, I sat the axe down by my pile of chopped wood. I couldn't help but smile at her even as exhausted as I was. "Yeah, alright. I'll be back by dinner time so make sure to have a plate ready for me when I come back."

"Of course, and I'll even put a little extra to the side for you so Dad doesn't eat it all." Her smile put my mind to ease. Lately, the atmosphere had been tense ever since April had fallen ill. I knew when April was doing better because Natalia was always smiling brighter on those days. The kind of smile that reached not only your lips but your eyes as well.

"I have some money saved up. I was thinking about maybe bringing back a pastry from Miss Ann's bakery the next time I went into town. So since I'm going, would you like anything special? Anything you want, just name it."

She thought it over, laying her chin on her hands as they folded on the window sill. "Hm, how about a bouquet of every flower you see on your way there and back? We can give it to April as a gift. She's been upset lately because she hasn't been able to watch the flowers bloom this spring."

"That's a lot of flowers, but I am up to the challenge." I spread my arms out dramatically as I walked towards the open kitchen window. "I'll make the most beautiful bouquet that's sure to raise her spirits!" I guess my grin was as good as a promise to her because she hurried off to the chicken coop to grab the fresh eggs for me. I went inside our cottage, the smell of fresh bread making my stomach protest my journey into town. "That smells delicious. Are you the one baking it, or should I be telling Nat this?" My laughter was cut short when Cregan threw a flower coated apron at me. His face was stern but his eyes showed that he knew he wanted to smile. "Natalia is not the only one around here that can make edible food you know. You'd think you'd know that after eating the meals I've made for all of you all these years."

"Edible would be a stretch there, Pops," I laughed, catching a plastic jar to the shoulder before it rolled away.

His scowl reached his eyes and I knew to stop while I was ahead, quickly escaping before he began throwing breakables at me. "Ungrateful," He called after me- loud enough for the entire kingdom to hear.

The aroma of freshly picked lavender and sweet honeysuckle was tempting as I passed by April and Natalia's shared room and slipped into my less pleasant smelling one. My bed was small and pressed against both the window and three of the four walls. It was small, but it was mine. I went to my bed and lifted the pillow to grab my poorly hand-stitched coin purse. Natalia had taught me how to sew my own pants during the winter, and I had used those skills to fashion a makeshift place to keep my hard-earned money.

"The eggs are all ready for your trip."

I moved my pillow back into place, slipping my money into my pocket as I looked over at Natalia leaning against my door frame with the basket of eggs held out for me to take. "Thanks."

Her nod was quick as we both stopped to listen as April coughed from the other room. Our eyes met and though no words were spoken I knew exactly what she was telling me. My goodbyes were quick as I left and started on the dirt path into town- stopping to pick up each flower that crossed my path.

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