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Aunt May had died that was all he knew he was sitting on the back of an ambulance with a blanket around him waiting on tony he couldn't stop crying when tony pulled up he immediately engulfed the boy in a hug "hello mr. Stark will you be taking him with you" a medic asked "of course I'm taking him with me why else would I have come" he asked like it was the stupidest question he'd ever heard "come on Pete let's go home" peter just let out a sob and let tony guide him to the car for the next few days it was like peter was numb he never replied when asked questions he never payed attention to anyone and he did nothing but cry what they didn't know is that peter had been drinking. A lot. It was the sixth night peter had been staying in the tower when tony came onto his room without knocking peter had a bottle of jack in his hand mostly empty his elbows were on his knees and the bottle was loosely held in his hand his head was down and he was crying again "peter what is this" tony said furious as he grabbed the bottle from his hand peter didn't even acknowledge him he just sat there staring at the floor crying "peter come on you gotta talk to me" tony sighed putting a hand on Peters shoulder suddenly peter burst into tears and cried "I want my mommy back" tony was confused now "what do you mean buddy" he asked gently "I want mommy she always made me feel better when I had a accident" Peter wailed it was then tony noticed two things a crumpled up diaper on the floor and a wet spot on the boys pants and bed he had had no idea peter was a little "oh honey why didn't you tell me you were a little" tony said bringing him into his arms "didn't think you'd want me" Peter whispered "I'll always want you" tony said "peter I've filed for adoption they told me you had some unforeseen circumstances but didn't tell me what they were now that I know I couldn't be happier" Peter sniffled "let's get you cleaned up" tony sighed as he lifted the little onto the dry part of the bed "can you tell me where your supplies is" he asked gently peter let out a sob and pointed to the closest tony opened it hesitantly only to find boxes and boxes of peters thing stacked in the closet closest however was a red diaper bag with blue stitching that said Peter tony opened it and found diapers wipes and powder he quickly got peter diapered and sat back onto the bed he brought peter into his lap and hugged him close as he cried tony pressed a kiss to the side of his head and slowly rocked him muttering I love you over and over when peter finally fell into a fitful sleep tony carried him to his bedroom and put him in the middle of his massive bed and went to clean up peters room once the sheets were in the wash and the supplies was put back into the closet he went back into his room and sat on the small couch waiting for his child to wake up

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