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If I was able to go back in time, just by a couple years and able to see my younger self...maybe my teenage version; the version who questioned her value and worth in society. The one who felt like she didn't belong anywhere, while she felt as if her existence was a mistake to begin with. Losing her parents as a kid, to one set of grandparents not wanting her and only her dad's best friend took you in as his own. Hurting with the fact that knowing your own blood relatives, ones that you hardly saw wanting NOTHING to do with you.

I would tell this younger me, that you DO have value and that you are SPECIAL, beyond that stupid special shit talk of those who love you say you're special. That oddly enough those anime shows you love to watch in regards to demons; that demons DO exist. That once knowing this, you will be dragged into the secret war, one that is constantly covered up and displaced as the wars and bullshit going on everyday.

I know damn well my younger self would have asked "What the fuck are you smoking?!"

I would laugh in reply and say that finding out my TRUEST self; would cause me to do the most craziest shit like Romeo and Juliet. Yet this version would be one, where Juliet sets foot into a vipers' nest to save an asshole that you love and is one of the very same enemies you're against.

"Well then how the fuck are you still alive? When those two died in the end as predicted at the beginning of the story?"

"I am strong enough to fight and stand strong. That I have strong allies, that together outsmarted the enemy and used that to survive."

Heh, I guess I got your attention now.

How much of the truth are you willing to learn that goes on within this world? Because they say, once you learn the truth, you can NEVER see it as it was before.

I bet you're expecting some MARVEL type of discover of my abilities right?

Sorry to break it to you, but that's not how it happened.

Oh and no stupid freak storm like that show MISFITS. Fucken funny show and loved it, only watched three seasons...

If I had to compare it to anything fantasy/Hollywood, that any of you can get. It would be along the lines of Charmed...

No, no no there's no Book of Shadows to read or mother reciting a spell and I don't have two other sisters. I have two "brothers" that are not blood related; but we are a family.

What I'm referring to is the aspect of my abilities locked away and no spell chanting needed.

Because how often is our genetic DNA that makes us up, can be so fucken awesome to become a tri-breed?

Oh what's a tri-breed you ask? Well you're going to have to read on...I can't give all of my secrets away now can I? It just wouldn't be that much fun now would it?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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