What's this?

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Chase's point of view
I woke up and I was comfy in my pup bed. I got up and yawned and went straight toward the lookout. I walked inside and Ryder just put down all our pup bowls full of our breakfast. "Good morning Ryder, how'd you sleep?" I asked my leader. "I slept good Chase, thank you." Ryder said petting me behind the ear. Behind my ear is my weak spot and I started thumping my foot. "Oh yeah! Right there! Right there!" I said enjoying the scratches. Suddenly Ryder stopped and I whined a little. "Chase, your not a puppy anymore." Ryder said chuckling. "Sorry Ryder, it just feels so good." I said panting. Winter came walking inside and set down our water bowls. "Good morning Winter, how did you sleep?" I asked Winter. "I slept great Chase, thank you." Winter said smiling. I actually really like Winter but she's human and I'm a dog, it would never work out. I walked up to my bowl and started eating, it was my favorite kind! Pepperoni and sausage flavored! I ate it all in just a matter of minutes because I was super hungry. Once I was done I thanked Ryder for the meal and walked out of the lookout. I saw Marshall working on his truck so I decided to go talk to him. "Hey Marshall, did you sleep good?" I asked him. "I slept fine Chase thanks." Marshall said walking up to me. "How did you sleep?" He asked sitting down. "I slept good, thanks." I said sitting down. "You doing anything later today?" Marshall asked me. "No not really, why?" I asked. "I was thinking maybe we could go visit our old favorite pup spots." Marshall said smiling and wagging his tail. "That'd be great, alright what time?" I asked. "How about tonight, right before sundown?" Marshall asked. "That'll be amazing, can't wait!" Chase said as he walked off. "Hey Chase, come here." Skye said. Chase walked over but started blushing. "Hey Chase, how about you and me, tonight?" Skye asked licking her lips. "No Skye! I've told you again and again, I'm not into you!" Chase shouted and walked off. Skye started to cry and she ran into her pup house. "What was that all about Chase?" Zuma asked. "Skye trying to hook up with me again." Chase said angrily. "I still can't believe she keeps trying. You would think she would give up by now." Rocky said putting his paw around Zuma. "Aww babe." Zuma said as he kissed Rocky's neck. "Later guys, I've gotta go check on everyone." Chase said as he walked off. Chase walked up to where Rubble was. "Hey Rubble, how you doin?" Chase asked. "I'm fine, but I'm still looking for that bone I buried." Rubble said as he kept digging. "Well, good luck with that!" Chase said as he walked off. Chase came up to Ryder. "Hi Ryder, need me to do anything?" Chase asked. "Actually Yes Chase. I need you to patrol tonight." Ryder said while looking at his phone. "But Marshall and I are gonna walk around tonight!" Chase said really looking forward to the walk with Marshall. "Take him with you." Ryder said as he put his phone down and went under his ATV to do some fine tuning. "Alright, thank you Ryder!" Chase said running off. "Stay safe pup!" Ryder hollered. "Ryder I'm a grown dog! I'm not a pup anymore!" Chase whined. "I know, go have fun." Ryder said giving him a thumbs up. Chase ran off and bumped into Marshall. "Oh sorry Marshall!" Chase said rubbing his head. "No it's my fault, I should've looked where I was going." Marshall said doing the same thing. "Ready to walk around?" Chase asked. "Yeah, let's go." Marshall said getting up. They began walking down the bridge. "Marshall, do you ever wonder what it'd be like to be a puppy again and cared for like a puppy?" Chase asked. "Yeah, I wonder that sometimes, but it'd kinda suck." Marshall said looking Chase in the eyes. They walked a little more and sat down in front of an alleyway. "What, why?" Chase asked confused. "You would have to use diapers and not to mention bed times." Marshall said looking down. "Yeah, that would suck but. You could just play all day and not have to worry about a thing. Being a puppy would be awesome." Chase said looking up at the stars. "You can dream about that, but I'm. not." Marshall said chuckling. "Ow I think I sat on something!" Chase said getting up. It was a tiny necklace with a shiny blue gem. "Wow, this is nice. Why would anyone throw this out?" Chase asked himself as he looked at the gem. "Let me help you put it on." Marshall said grabbing the necklace and putting it on Chase. "Thanks Marshall." Chase said hugging Marshall. All the sudden a wave of sleep hit Chase. "Woah Chase, you Alright?" Marshall asked. "Yeah, I'm just tired." Chase said as he yawned. Marshall and Chase walked back to the lookout and Marshall said goodnight to Chase and Chase went inside his pup house. "It'd be awesome to be a puppy again, and was treated like one." Chase said as he chuckled. "As if that'll happen." Chase said laughing. The necklace then started to glow. "What the?" Chase said. He took off the necklace and laid down on his nightstand. "Goodnight, he told himself as he fell asleep.

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