A Whole New Perspective

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A small faint light shinned through the window, illuminating the area around. It was quite but filled with the sounds of nature from the outside, giving it a calm sense to anyone who would relax. Chase began to stir in his sleep, slowly waking up he would kick a couple of times before slowly opening his eyes. "Mmm.." Chase murred quietly, the feeling of sleep not quite gone in the German Shepherd.
Chase yawned as he laid still under his covers, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort under them, making him smile happily at the warm feeling that his bed brought him.
"Mmm... that was a..." Chase yawned in the middle of his sentence, stretching out a little.
"A gweat seep." Chase finished as he looked forward. The German Shepherds eyes were still half way closed, drowsiness still having him in its hold. Chase tried to lean up a bit found it a lot harder than usual. He got a little confused as he yawned again, opening his eyes just a slight bit more.
"Why do I... why do I feew suh weak?.." Chase asked himself as he tried to lean up again, this time having been successful.
"Huh? Whuh?... Whut ish dis?" Chase asked himself as he grabbed his covers, they were small and lightweight, in color they were blue and yellow, sporting little cop badges across it, perfect for a police pup. Chase was caught off guard when he grabbed the covers, he dropped them as he looked at both his paws.
"Why awe my paws suh smaww?" Chase asked in confusion, looking them up and down.
"Wait, ish dat weawwy my voice?!" Chase asked himself in surprise, hearing his surprisingly squeaky and high pitched voice.
"Whah happun tu me?" Chase asked himself as he looked around, he saw that he was surrounded by bars all around him as his "Bed" was up against a wall. Chase looked around in confusion, realizing that he wasn't in his pup house anymore; but instead inside his best friend's pup house. The interior was some nice shades of whites and reds, a lot of the decor being some firefighter merchandise.
"Why am I in Mawshaww's pup house? I was in mine..." Chase said as he moved closer to the bars.
"Wait, awe these... baws?" Chase asked himself, grabbing onto the wooden bars of his supposed bed. As Chase moved he heard a soft crinkle come from beneath his blanket, his ears twitched as he looked back.
"N-Nuh... dun teww me..." Chase said as he looked back at his butt. Chase grabbed onto the blanket once more and lifted it more this time, revealing to himself a small white diaper with a few teddy bears and stars on the front for the pattern.
"A... a- a diapew?! W-wha..why?!" Chase muttered in surprise. A wave of light red would wash over his face as he blushed, gulping he lowered his covers over him again; trying to ignore what he had just seen under them.
"Whut happen to me? Why am I wike dis?" Chase asked as he looked at his paws again, shaking slightly with fear and anxiety. Chase looked around his surroundings, trying to take note of what was around him. He saw a small pillow, a blanket, a few plushies, and a pacifier.
Chase blushes as he picked up the pacifier.
"Wh-why... why do I have this?... why ish dis hewe?" Chase shook as he dropped it again, he began to sniffle and whimper softly, not knowing what to do.
"Wh-whut do I do?... how do I get out of hewe?.." Chase asked himself as tears stares to come to his eyes. He looked around again and up at the top of the bars, notting the railing that connected them all.
"M-maybe... *sniffle* I can.. I can cwimb out." Chase said as he continued to whimper softly. Chase grabbed onto the bars of the crib as he used them to hoist himself upward in order to get onto his feet. He pulled himself up slowly and moved one paw in front of the other, trying to get on two legs again. He used all his strength as he stood up, making him huff slightly.
"I-I did it... I'm up." Chase congratulated himself. He looked back down in defeat as he noticed his now very short stature. Chase looked back up at the top railing that connected the bars and he raised his ears.
"I can- I can do this!" Chase enticed himself. He reached up and grabbed onto the top bar and started to pull himself upward, using his little legs to push against the bars to help him up. He got up about half way until he stared to hear some footsteps outside.
"Huh?! Oh no!" Chase said in surprise. Chase began to lose his balance as the person opened the door, revealing it to be Marshall.
"CHASE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Marshall yelled out in alarm. Chase screamed in terror as he fell back into his padded rump, landing with a soft thud and a loud crinkle. Marshall rushed over to the side of the crib.
"Oh no, Buddy are you alright?" Marshall asked sincerely. Chase sniffled again as he began to cry, tears swelling up in his eyes.
"I- I almost... I almost-" Chase was cut off as Marshall grabbed him and pulled him upward to be eye level with him.
"You almost hurt yourself Buddy, you can't be doing that." Marshall said in a fatherly voice. He pulled Chase into his chest and started to bounce him as he rubbed his back slowly, trying to get him to stop crying and calm down.
Chase couldn't even think at the moment, he was still hung up about how scared he got when Marshall suddenly walked him and caused him to fall.
"You had me worried sick there baby, you could've really hurt yourself, I don't think you understand that." Marshall said as he slowly pulled Chase away from his chest to look at him eye to eye again. Chase's body mostly went limp as he sniffled, staring at Marshall who was so much bigger than he remembered.
"Then again, I guess you don't understand much about that, huh?" Marshall asked Chase, not really expecting an answer.
"Buh- Buh I do! I awmost got out!" Chase told Marshall, reaching toward him so it grabbed more or his attention. Marshall chuckled lightly and pulled Chase back into his chest and started to rub his back again.
"I'm glad you're ok." Marshall said as he hugged him, Marshall's tail wagging slowly as he hugged the now small German Shepherd.
"Pease.." Chase began as he clinched onto Marshall's shirt.
"Pease put me down..." Chase said as he tried to push against Marshall, but Marshall kept Chase locked in a hug, not letting go for anything. Chase whimpered softly as Marshall then finally stopped hugging him, moving up a little and holding Chase up from his diapered butt and pushing against his back gently. Chase looked up at Marshall as his eyes widened, Marshall seemed brighter and more colorful, he was bigger but it didn't seem to scare Chase at all, he just took it in, unable to really process it.
"What was that little whimper bud? Are you ok?" Marshall asked as he looked him in the eye. Chase gulped quietly as he stared at him.
"I think I might know what the problem is." Marshall cooed softly as he took the paw that was pushing against Chase's back and moved it down toward his diaper.
"H-hey, whu... wait a minute!" Chase said in alarm as he looked back in terror.
"Don't worry Buddy, I'm just checking your diaper, I bet that's why you're all cranky." Marshall said as he pulled back the back of the diaper. Marshall looked down but didn't see any problems, he then moved his paw to the front of Chase's diaper and stuck a couple of fingers in to feel the padding, checking to see if it was soggy. Chase blushed heavily as he looked down at Marshall's paw while it was giving him a diaper check.
"Hmm... no, you're not wet or messy." Marshall said as he pulled his paw back. Chase let out a sigh of relief, resting his head against Marshall's chest without noticing.
"That was stwessfuw.." Chase said as he yawned once more.
"Ah I see.. a little puppy is still a little tired." Marshall cooed as he smiled down at Chase. Chase blushed and pushed against Marshall again.
"N-Nuh I'm not!" Chase said angrily as he puffed up a bit. Marshall chuckled to himself as he pat Chase's back a few times.
"Aww... why are you so puffy huh? Why is the baby so cranky?" Marshall asked as he nuzzled the top of Chase's head.
"Nuh! Nuht baby!" Chase said as he tried to push against Marshall's head. Marshall chuckled a little and pulled his head back. He looked down at Chase and smiled warmly.
"I bet you're hungry, is that why you're so talkative today?" Marshall asked as he kept his paws firmly against Chase to keep him secure.
"Wait, whuh do you mean, tawkative?" Chase asked Marshall with an eyebrow raised. Marshall nodded as he smiled to himself.
"Yeah, I thought that's what it was." Marshall said as he hoisted Chase up a bit, getting him to face level as he held onto him with one paw. Chase instinctively grabbed onto Marshall's fur and used his other paw to wrap around Marshall's shoulder, confused on what just happened.
"Does the little guy want to go get some breaky?" Marshall asked in a babyish tone, tickling Chase's little tummy with his finger.
Chase giggled softly as he kicked his legs softly, making him blush a little bit.
"Yeah, I know you are. Yes you are. Yes you are." Marshall cooed as he nuzzled into Chase's belly. Chase began to have a small giggle fit as he kicked his little legs. Marshall couldn't help but smile bigger, seeing this little German Shepherd giggling uncontrollably.
"Alright buddy, let's go get your little tummy full." Marshall said as he kissed Chase's little head. Chase blushed and quickly stopped giggling and smiling.
"Sh-shuh up..." Chase said upset as he looked away from Marshall. Marshall smiled as he got to the door and opened it up. The warmth of the sunlight soon hit both of them as Marshall walked out. Chase closed his eyes in surprise and opened them slowly to look at the outside. Chase's eyes widen as he looked at everything around him. The world looked so bright and colorful. The wildlife was active and sprawling. Bees were buzzing around flowers, small birds and big birds all joined in whistling at the sky. Chase looked as it seemed like the plants were brighter as the sun hit them, their beauty leaving him at a lost for words, the world almost seeming... new. Like he was looking at the world with a whole new perspective.

(And so starts the beginning of me remaking this story. Hopefully you all liked this version better than the last one. If you wish to see more then please tell me so I know you like it.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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