Chapter 1

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I've lived here in Doncaster, South Yorkshire my whole life. I live here with my single and emotional mum. She's a bit crazy at times. For example going to a club at 10pm and coming back at 5am with a" boyfriend ". Other than that my mum is really smart and fun. She is a brain surgeon so she makes plenty of money to raise me on her own. We own a pretty big estate that has been passed down our family for years and will eventually be mine. I'm really just a typical girl going into her senior year of high school. There are two last things you should know about me my name is Destiny Spencer and my best friends name is Louis Tomlinson.

To be honest high school can be the best and the worst thing that will ever happen to you. But lucky for me I have someone to help me get through all the fucking unneeded drama all the bitches start. Louis and I have known each other since we basically born and we've been best friends since before we even knew what they were. We tell each other everything. We've snuck out together and taken each other home hiding that we were totally wasted. We've go everywhere together. We are basically partners in crime. The funny thing is that neither one of us is the one that says we shouldn't so something we just do it that's what makes our friendship so special. It's not that relationship where one person needs the other but the person they need them doesn't need them. We both be legit dead if we didn't have each other.

Our mom's have been friends since they were kids so they basically raised Louis and I together. He is only 6 months older than me. His mum was 20 when she had him and my mum was 17 when she had me. What's really cool is that him and his mum Jay were at the hospital with my mom when I was born. Jay was there instead of my son of a bitch biological father. Who I might add hasn't even met me or even tried to financially help my mom even though she doesn't need it. He has had easy access to me because I've twitted him trying to talk but no he decided to ignore me. He's such a dick.

Well any how Louis and I are starting our first day of our last year in the he'll hole (aka Walsh High School). We rode together in my brand new shiny red pickup truck and brace ourselves for total chaos. But sadly we walk into a war. Literally.

Louis and I walk in and see a giant group of people chanted Becca or Meagan. At the same time at different places people are backing up as if they are avoiding someone or something falling. I immediately know who there are cheering for. My second best friend Meagan Williams and Becca Loris the school bitch and drama queen. Both are seniors. I start pushing people out of the way so I stop Meagan because I know cat fight or real fight Becca and Meagan are pretty much equal in strength and the fight will go on till both are covered in bruises and scratches and someone stops it.

When I finally get to the middle I see Becca pulling Meagan's hair as Meagan knees her in the the stomach and she falls down. Meagan screams at Becca saying she is a son of a bitch and I would if it weren't for the fact that I had to grab Meagan so she wouldn't start hitting Becca. Everyone stops yelling and chanting when they see me in the middle of the circle. Becca is lying in a ball holding her stomach. I hold Meagan from behind like I'm giving her hug and whispered in her ear to come with me. She knows I'm right and follows me quietly. Everyone walks away leaving Becca behind. I feel a flicker of guilt and shove it down wondering where her minions are then as if on Que her friends Gwenye and Maddie come running up to help her. Louis walks up to us and follows.

"She had sex with Brent." I hear in an almost inaudible voice behind me. I think in an instant that Becca deserved what she got and Brent Sutter. Well that ass hole. He deserved even worse. Brent Sutter was Meagan's now probably ex. He was always a terrible boyfriend. I told Meagan a million times to dump him but she never had it in to do it. I turn around to go give her a hug but she's running to her homeroom because I see her go into a classroom. I try to go run after her but Louis holds me back and says "She thinks you feel sorry for Becca. You should just leave her be until she comes to you. Let's go to class."

Louis and I walk to our locker which are really close together and get our stuff. Then we walk to our homeroom. We walk in to no teacher and only 3 people in the back of the classand I've never seen them before.

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