Chapter 5

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Hey my beautiful baes. Sorry I'm just updating now. Just warning you this chapter has content that might hit you close to the heart like it did to me while I was writing because you might have experienced what happens.






Harry's P.O.V

She's beautiful. So peaceful and innocent just lying there bundled up in all those blankets. Louis changed her into a pair of my boxers and one of my rolling stones shirts and now she is laying in my king sized bed. She is just fragile and petite. Her boots she wore on the day we met made her look tall and I didn't pay attention today how small she is. She's been out for an hour and doesn't look like she's getting up soon. I'm so damn tired so I gently as possible get up. I walk downstairs to get some coffee. I hear the boys all talking about some shit in the living room. I grab a mug and fill it and add cream and sugar. I feel weird like someone is watching me but ignore the feeling.

Destiny's P.O.V

I am drowsy as hell and my body is aching like crazy. Memories of earlier flood into my mind. Everything is a blur but I hope I beat the shit out of Becca because that bitch deserved it. I sit up and a pain shoots up my back making my head pound even more. I look around and I notice that I'm in someone's bedroom. There is a guitar on its stand in the corner. There is a desk, a chair, and nightstand with a lamp on it. There are three doors. I assume 1 is the closet, 1 is the bathroom and the other 1 is the door out. I get up out of the amazingly comfy king sized bed and am immediately freezing. The floor is hardwood and makes me freezing.

I randomly pick a door and knock. I wait a second then open the door slowly. It's the bathroom. Thank God because I have to piss so bad. After I do my business fix my hair and acknowledge that I'm wearing someone's boxers and their awesome rolling stones shirt. I walk out the bathroom. I walk over to the other door and it is the door out the room. I close the door and walk down the stairs. I walk down the hall when I get to the bottom of the stairs. Dam this is a big house. I finally get to the end of the hall and hear a familiar voice. Thank God it's Louis. I walk quietly into the kitchen. I see someone with curly brown hair and a bunch of tattoos on their arms. It Harry. I back up and lean up against the door frame just watching him. He didn't have his shirt on so i can see his muscles flexing then relaxing. I stand there for a few minutes then notice that he turned around and is watching me look at him.

We just look at each other for a bit. He walks over and gives me a hug. I realization hits me that is going to be close to impossible for me to go back to school after what happened. Our school s filled with relentless ass holes that want to make the hell I'm living in worst. I start crying in his shoulder. It starts off like a cry then it turns into a sob.

I may seem like I have a great life but I don't. Becca has been treating me like this since freshman year. I never did anything to her purposely. We've been going to same school since 6th grade. Well back then we were friends. I'm ashamed to say I tortured people with her back then. We were terrible to people. I finally noticed how much people were hurting from what we did to them so i stopped. She was mad because to be honest she didn't have that many friends. Everyone was just scared of he'd and they still are. I made it up to those who I hurt but she didn't.

She had finally broke me....

It took her 4 years....

But she did it finally.....

Harry picks me up bridal style and carries still crying me up stairs to the room I was in before. He sets me on the bed gently.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks me quietly. Wiping my tears away with pad of his thumb.

I sniffle and reply barely audible.

"How am I going to go back?"

"You are strong Destiny. Louis has told me lots and seeing you fight Becca tells me right away that you are a warrior."

If only he knew that I really am not even close to being a warrior. It's all an illusion.

A never ending illusion.

It even fools me sometimes.

I smile weakly so he thinks that I feel better. He smiles back falling completely for my smile.

I nod toward the guitar trying to change the subject.

"You play?"

"Yeah I've been playing since I was 13. Do you?"

"I've been playing since I was 11. My mum's friend showed me. Hey can you play me a song?"


Harry walks over and grabs the guitar and picks a guitar pick from the night stand as I crawl up in a ball under all the blankets. He strums a bit then plays a quiet song. It sounds amazing and I fall asleep right away.

Harry's P.O.V

She falls asleep before I finish the song. She is peaceful once again but has a rigid look even though she is sleeping. She has a tear streaked face and the bruise on her cheek is standing out more than before.

Destiny's Dream

Destiny is standing the hallway at school and someone is holding her and Becca is punching her. Then it flashes to a video with Destiny in it on a ton of people's phones flipping from phone to phone. It's going to fast to see what is happening in the video. Laughing is echoing around.

"NO you flithy slut you sleep around, have stds, and got an abortion last year. You're such a whore. You're a liar and cheat people. Your a worthless skanky bitch."

The words were being thrown at Destiny as she is getting beat up by Becca.

Then the final words said thrown with the punch that tell her to end it all. She had been dreading hearing these words for years.

"No one cares about you. Do everyone a favor and go die in a hole."

End of dream

Destiny's P.O.V

I wake up soaking wet. I'm done I can't go on or at least I need relief from all this shit. I get up and run the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I open the medicine cabinet sobbing. I throw medicine bottles and lotion till I find what I'm looking for.

The razor.

I try to pull out the razor struggling. I drop the package. Crying harder I slide my back down the wall picking up the package and finally pulling out the razor. I put the tip against my skin. I wince and bite my lip holding back the scream. I pull the razor across the width of my left wrist and the crimson liquid flowing out of the deep cut. While the words from my dream echo through my mind.

"No one cares about you. Do everyone a favor and go die in a hole."

Someone told me dreams warn us or tell us something that we need to do something. Maybe they were right. I should listen to my dreams and take their advice.






Love y'all. Telling you now there is going to a lot of drama in the next few chapters. Bye bye.

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