||Chapter Thirteen|| You Bloody Imbecile

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|| Sorry for not updating for the past three, four days! Here's another one! ||

|| Hosu, 7 am ||

"You bloody imbecile! That's really all you can do? My goddamned kid-"

The man on the other side of the phone sighs, and rubs his temple with one hand. "Sir, I understand that you are upset, but unfortunately yes, that's all I can do for now. Just file a missing report and send a few police cars out. Our files show that yesterday, it was just a quirk mishap, so we can't make a big deal because it's most likely just that again. Sorry, sir."

This receptionist at the police station and Aizawa had been on the phone for almost 15 minutes. Aizawa had his coat on, and he was walking quickly down the streets of Hosu, in the freezing cold, and speaking to this useless police man. He had a frown, and a really runny nose.

"No- No." He sternly says to the man, trying really hard not to lose his temper. "When she teleports, the lights flicker, which means the electricity turns off. And when I woke up this morning, my Xbox game was still saved which means it did not turn off. If it turned off, the game wouldn't have saved."

There was a little bit of silence on the other line,  and Aizawa assumed he didn't get what he was saying. "Meaning if the electricity didn't go off, she didn't teleport. So it's more serious." Aizawa tells him, and he gets an understanding grunt from the man.

By this point, Aizawa thought you had run away. He had no idea about the villains coming after you, and he and the heroes were all sure that they all died in the Earthquake. He was feeling awful. If you ran away, he must have done something bad or something to upset you. Either way, he needed you back.

But that's what the villains were saying too, and both sides couldn't have you.

|| Hosu, 7:00 am ||

"Hey little baby-boo!" The blonde squealed, with a cute smile and her fists near her cheeks. She looks up at the small child, as your head bobs up and down with every step.

"Yeah, yeah, stop your whining and help me carry her." Dabi says lowly, wondering down the darkly lit alleyway with an unconscious child thrown over his shoulder. Toga followed behind, admiring your smooth baby face as it moved around from Dabi walking.

"You look like you got it sorted out yourself there, Dabi." She pouts, and leans around the side to look as his face with her arms crossed.

The male scoffs and looks at her. "Exactly, sunshine. You're not doing anything, I've got everything handled. You may as well scurry on home and I'll have 40,000 bucks to myself."

"Aw, come on!" She frowns, her arms still crossed. She goes back behind Dabi and looks at your chubby little baby cheeks. "Jeez, lighten up." He mumbles to herself.

"Oh, I intend to. Once you become useful." He retorts, and uses both arms to pull your unconscious body back onto his shoulder since you were sliding off a little. He checks his phone with his spare hand.  "Shit, it's already 6 am. Sun'll be up in an hour."

"Well it's your fault that we took an extra half an hour 'cause you almost woke up sleepy-pants!" She exclaims, and 'sleepy-pants' was meant to be Aizawa. "I thought nothing woke that dude up! He's like a sloth, but worse!" She whispers the last bit, as if the alley way they were walking in wasn't as abandoned as it was. 

Dabi rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna chuck your ass into the loony bin someday."

|| Flashback, Aizawa's House, 5 am ||

Two villains had finally arrived at their destination. Aizawa's house, which had the prized possession inside. You. Of course, they had a plan to follow.

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