Was it all just a lie?

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Summary:Mitch overhears Jerome saying their relationship is out of pity
Warnings:Nothing minus the fact that it's sad ;( 
Word Count:1044
{I rewrote it so everything but the plot has changed ^.^}


Mitch's POV

"What no!I don't actually like him,we're just dating because he had no one and he liked me so I thought why not give him what he wants?"I overhear Jerome laugh through the phone.I stand there in shock not really comprehending what I had just heard my lover say.'Was this relationship really out of pity?'I ask myself.That would explain why he never really showed affection...it was always me just trying to get him to do things with me.Wow,was really stupid enough to think he actually loved me,all those promises he made we're just lies weren't they.
After making a thousand excuses as to why what he said was true I finally decide to go and see for myself if Jerome was really lying or not.Preparing myself for the worst I get up and head to Jerome's room."Hey Jerome"I say awkwardly"Hey babe"he smiles,I can't help but think that even that smile was a lie...just like our relationship.'Stop Mitch you don't know if that was true or not'I brush off the thought and redirect my attention to Jerome"Well I overheard you talking on the phone earlier and you said that you were only dating me because you felt bad"I say tears threatening to spill"And i just wanted to know if what you said was t-true"I manage to finish my question without crying.His face turns white as a ghost.
"M-Mitch I didn't mean to"he stutters out but that was all I needed to know that was he said was the entire truth"No need to explain,I understand"I say faking a a smile."Just one question...Why didn't you tell me earlier?You know before things got as serious as they are now?"I ask tears now falling down my cheeks."I-I didn't know how to tell you"he stuttered,I laughed"So you thought you might as well continue to hurt me instead of telling me the actual truth?"I asked honestly curious "Yes..."he mumbled"You know Jerome...I thought you of all people would never hurt me"i laugh"Ironic right?"he doesn't respond"Just save me the pain and get out of my house"I say,he quietly gets up and heads to his room making sure to grab his phone in the process.
I sigh stuffing my head into my hands overwhelmed.God why does all this happen to me?I mean it was already enough having a crush on my Best friend but then him only dating me because he felt bad for me?i literally had the worst luck when it came to relationships.

Jerome's POV

I go to my room packing my things quickly'gosh i'm such a douche'.At first I genuinely liked or at least I thought i did because as soon as we started dating i didn't feel the same connection as i did before.Maybe we were mean't to be best friends,nothing more,but NOOO I had to go ahead and be a dick and decide to ask him out.I guess we were not meant to be more then friends,but I doubt he'll even want to be my friend now.I really don't want to leave Mitch,he's been my best friend since forever'Maybe if I go talk to him I can convince him to still be friends?'I think to myself as i stop what i'm doing and head downstairs."Hey Mitch can I talk to you"I ask still going down the stairs.I finally reach the bottom of the stairs only to find a crying Mitch,my heart immediately drops at the sight.
"Mitch"I sigh wrapping my arms around him but he quickly pushes them away."Your only hurting me more by comforting me"he says in a monotone."Mitch can we at least stay friends"I ask hoping he'd give in"Do you really expect me to stay friends with the one I love let alone the one who broke my heart?"he says his voice rising"Mitch,I just want to stay friends"I plead"And I do too,but i don't think I want to put myself through the pain of having to deal with the fact that the one I love doesn't love me and will eventually move on"he says more tears falling from his eyes"Mitch I'm sor-"I try to apologize but he stops me"It's too late for apologize now excuse me"he says getting up and going to his room.
A few minutes later Mitch comes back with packed bags and tear stained cheeks."Mitch what are you doing?"I ask getting up to stop him but he's already at the door"I asked you to leave and you refused so i decided if you wouldn't do it,I would"he sighed turning to open the door but i pull his arm"Mitch please just stay,we can work things out"I plead"NO JEROME!I ALREADY TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU!"he yells breaking down in sobs"I c-can't Jerome"he cries"Shhh shhh it's okay"I coo rubing his back in a circular motion.He finally gets up after a few minutes regaining his emotions and walking out of the door not saying a goodbye in the process

Mitch's POV

I wipe the tears from my eyes as i get in my car making sure i have all my bags in the trunk.I tunr on  the engine getting ready to leave.As soon as I'm on the road I notice a familiar vehicle following me.After a few minutes of finally trying to recognize the car I realize it's Jerome's car.I quickly speed up not caring about the speed limit considering I was now going 80 miles per hour on a 50 mile per hour road but it was dark out so other cars we're the least of my worries.I guess Jerome noticed I was speeding up so he did as well.We approach a yellow light,'this is my chance go for it'I tell myself as I speed up even more then before.As soon as I'm about approximately 20 inches away from the light it turns red but I don't care as I contiune at ana even faster speed "Mitch watch out!"is all I hear before the world goes black.


Well hope you guys enjoyed that so yes this was rewritten because i felt like my previous work was very,well say 'crappy' so I rewrote it :) so bye hop you have a wonderful day

~Ariana xoxo

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