The Break Up,Part #1

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Summary:Mitch and Jerome get into and end up breaking up but they meet each other again when Jerome decides it time for an actual explanation for his actions
Warnings:Mentions of self harm
Word Count:2019
Jerome's POV

I sit here on the couch waiting for Mitch to come home once again,he's been drinking lately and I feel like he's not the person I loved before,he was a monster who had no self control,but I put up with it because I love him.
'Gosh when is he going to get here' I think to myself as I start to get tired.A few seconds later I her a door slam,he's home.I quickly run the the door and of course seeing a drunk Mitch stagger to the couch,I sigh
"Come on let's go upstairs"I say gently grabbing his arm trying to get him up but he harshly pushes my arm away "I DONT NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP OKAY!"he yells,I wince at his harsh tone "I-I just want to help you"I mumble "Speak up."he demands "I said,I just wanted to help you",he laughs "What can you help me with?You worthless piece of shit" 'he's just drunk Jerome don't listen to him,he doesn't mean what he says,it's the alcohol speaking'I try to convince myself.
"What are you just standing there for!?Put yourself to some good use and get me a beer!"he yells "But Mitch you just got home from the bar"I say,silently hoping he doesn't yell at me again "OH IM SORRY I DIDNT REALIZE YOU CONTROLLED MY LIFE!"he yells,that's it I had had enough of it "I DONT!BUT I CARE ABOUT YOU!DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT I DONT HAVE TO BE HERE FOR YOU!I CAN LEAVE WHEN EVER ID LIKE,BUT NOOO IM TOO STUPID AND I CONVINCE MYSELF THAT I NEED YOU,BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?IM DONE PUTTING UP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT,WERE DONE!"I yell leaving to my room and packing up my things when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs
"Jerome please.Im sorry I didn't mean too"he says,he's seemed to sober up after my yelling but I know that if I forgive him it's just going to go back to the same routine "no mitch,I've had enough and I'm leaving"I say walking past him and running downstairs quickly grabbing my keys and phone before walking out the door
I turn on the engine backing out of the driveway,as much as I know he's hurting I have to go before things get worse.
After for about an hour of driving -not really knowing where I'm going- I end up at a park,not just any park,the park where we first met.I smile at the old memories,soon realizing that they'll all I have left.Everything is just memories now,nothing more nothing less.
{3years later}
I feel free but hurt at the same time.I don't have to deal with his abusive words but yet I can't feel like I lost the love of my life,not just a 3 years ago but before that.The man I left a 3 years ago wasn't the man I loved,it was a monster that taken his place.Don't feel guilty Jerome I tell myself but its a little too late for that,it's like the guilt is eating me alive.After debating on wether to go see him again or not I decide I should just go for it,I mean yes I did leave him but I still care,not matter how much he's hurt me.
I finally arrive at the his house,it's seems even after not being here I remember it so well.I knock at the door hoping to see a recovered mitch,maybe he got better,yeah it was a bit too much hope but it never hurt,of course to my disappointment Mitch doesn't answer the door but instead a young blonde girl."Um hi,I was wondering if anyone but the name of Mitch lives here?"I ask half of me hoping he was here,half not."Oh yes let me get him for you,come take a seat"she says letting me in and leading me into what used to be our old living room but is now entirely rearranged"Mitch honey someone's here to see you!"she yells up the stairs.
After what feels like forever he comes down holding a little boy that looks about the age of 2 "Sorry babe I was just feeding Mathew who's he-"he stops in his tracks as soon as he sees me"Is there something wrong babe?"the blonde haired girl asks "No"he says "Um can I have a moment alone with Jer-him"he asks "Of course I'll be upstairs with Mathew just call me if you need me"she smiles walking upstairs as she takes the young boy from Mitch's hands "Uh hi"I say awkwardly "Hey"he mumbles "I see you have a girlfriend and son"I smile,when in reality my heart was shattering "Fiancé actually"he says proudly "oh...congrats"I say faking a smile but he sees right through me "So how you've been?"he asks,I want really expecting him to ask that then again I wasn't expecting him to be engaged with a son either.What was I supposed to say?All I had done was mourn over my mistakes and never really moved on,I simply cried myself to sleep almost everyday and never seen anyone since."Umm Jerome?"he says snapping me back into reality "yeah"I ask "I said,how you've been"he says "Oh uh pretty good I guess how about you?"I ask "Great actually,after you um..left...I decided that I was going to get better and then I met Amanda and well we fell in love"I cringe at the world 'love' but ignore it because he obviously wasn't finished with his fairy tale story"and had a kid,the we got engaged just about three months ago"he smiles,I wanted to cry then and there,how could I not?he had been able to move on when I couldn't, I guess I did him more of a favor then myself.."Well when's the wedding"I asked sounds more eager than needed "Two weeks from now actually" "Oh that's cool"I lie"Yeah what about you?Have you met anyone special?"he nudges me a smile on his face"No,I never really moved on..."I mumble,he seems to tense up at my words "Oh"was all he managed to say "Yeah well I should get going"I say getting up and heading to the door but he grabs my arm "Leaving without a hug?"he laughs pulling me into a warm embrace,it too, everything in me not to kiss him after he pulled away "Oh and Jerome you're invited to the wedding"he smiled writing something down on a piece of paper and handing it to me,I look at the paper in confusion "It's my number,call if you need anything bud,alright?"he pats my back "alright."I say walking out of the door
{1 week later}
This was Mitch's I guess you court say bachelor party even though it was just me and him, yeah Mitch had other guy friends but he decided that it should just be me and him and I don't know wether to that its a good or bad thing "Welk lets get this party started"Mitch says sarcastically as we walk into a jack in the box "Haha best bachelor party yet!"I yell getting a couple of weird stares but I don't mind"So what you gonna want to order?'he asks "Um okay other than 1000 tacos I'd like just some chicken stripes and fries,oh and don't forget the franks red hot and ranch"I laugh "Of course how could I!"he laughs ordering the food,we get the food and head back to one of the booths and start to eat.
We finish eating we head back to the car and sit there in silence "that was better than I remembered"he laughs"when was the last night you ate at Jack in the box?"I asked "The last time we ate it together"he blushed,I felt my cheeks get hot as I turned the other way"Oh really why?"I ask a bit startled at his lack of junk food,although it would explain his tones muscles,flat stomach,and don't even get me started on that six pack "Well Amanda makes us eat healthy all the time,she thinks that eating health will have a good impression on the baby for when it gets older"he sighs"to me it sounds like the worst mom ever"I mumble "What was that?"he ask not hearing what I had said "Oh nothing"I smile reassuringly,he shrugs and turns on the engine "so where next?"he smiles,gosh that smile makes me melt 'Jerome stop,he's engaged!' I yell at myself in my head"How about the movies?"I suggest trying to make my mind think of something else "that sounds great!"
"So what movie"he says as we walk through the mall approaching the actual theater "Oh um I heard that Ouji was a pretty good movie"I laugh "well whats so funny?"Mitch asks obviously confused"oh nothing"I say as we get the tickets
We sit in the movie theaters,to be comepletly honest I hate scary movies but I know Mitch loved them so I did it for him.I felt stupid about my whole idea now since I was practically holding on to my chair for dear life "Jerome it's okay,it's just a movie it's not real"he laughs but I just give him an annoyed "Oh just come here already"he says lifting up the arm rest next to us and pulling me towards him.i cuddle up into his chest hiding my face from the screen"Don't worry Jerome I'm here"he says soothingly as he rubs my back in circles knowing that would help me,Mitch could always help me when I was scared.When we were still in a relationship he'd hold me like he was holding me now and then he'd kiss me oh so sweetly to let me know he was there to protect me,that was before he started drinking."Um excuse me but are you tow a couple"the girl behind us asks,although it's quite rude to ask I blushed like a mad man just stuffing my face further into Mitch's chest "Oh no were not dating I'm engaged to my beautiful girlfriend Amanda"he says moving me over to show her his lock screen which was conveniently him and Amanda kissing,I roll my eyes at the lock screen and huddle up into a little ball on the corner of the seat.
The movie finally needed so without another word I get up leaving the room and going to the bathroom.I slowly lift up my sleeves revealing the hundreds of scars on my arms,I had just stopped recently and I had no intentions of continuing but right now seemed like the right time.Mitch didn't love me,he loved Amanda he never even calls me biggums either,that used to be out nickname for each other but the never was never mentioned in these past couple of days.'You need to get over it Jerome,the Mitch that is looking for you in that theater doesn't have feelings for you any more,learn to accept it'I tell myself,I can feel the tears threaten to spill but I quickly suck it up and walk out of the bathroom only to find a panicking Mitch "Mitch I'm right here"I mumble"Oh Jerome thank god your okay"he sighs in relief"I thought you and left home",I smile at his concern but I know he doesn't really care,he doesn't care unless it has something to do with his oh so special Amanda."Yeah yeah"I mumble as I hang my head down low"So how did you enjoy the movie?"he asked trying to lighten the mood "Horrible"I roll my eyes"Really?I thought it was a great movie"he dissagreed "Yeah well I'm tired and want to go home"I say,I may have sounded stubborn but that's honestly how I felt.
Soon after we left because I was being a little brat.
{1 weeks later}
I get in my car driving to the wedding,as much as it hurts seeing Mitch marry another person I can't not go I mean he did ask me to be his best man after all.But I can't forget about how we were cuddling.I mean he was getting married why would he let me cuddle inot him like that?Did he still have feelings for me?No he couldn't he wouldn't be getting not married with Amanda if he did,my mind was flooded with millions of questions but I pushed them aside as I got out of my car and walked into the so called 'party'

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