You weren't a popular girl, but you weren't a bullied person. You were in between. But considered the shy girl my most.
You have to move, somewhere where only you will experience life's challenges of wealth, trauma, bullying, and near death...
I couldn't help but think, why was always considered the shy girl? Was because I was quieter? Had average grades? Didn't have many friends? Why were people always put on pedestals and labelled as something there weren't, people thought I was a shy girl, did there ever think maybe I'm covering something up, a past? A future? A present?
Thoughts would keep crossing my mind as I turned off the shower and stepped out into the cold morning air, I shivered as goosebumps formed on my skin. I stared into the mirror, my past was written all over my body, my present self was waiting for that same person I once used to be to come back, when the pills wore off, my future was scared. I walked out and went to my closet to find cloths that covered me, thank god for winter weather. No one knew about me, my true self, and good for them, I don't know what I would of done if I weren't in the box of pills that kept me sane. (So basically what I've done is construct a collage of her outfit, light makeup, hair and two examples of what she is hiding on her body but she has it all over her body sooooooo yeah)
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When I was done getting dressed the only thing to do was cover my neck and knees with a certain type of makeup powder that covers it all so well it's crazy. After I was covered I went downstairs where my mum was on the phone, she was talking rather quietly but I could still here the conversation. "I don't want to intrude Lisa". It sounds like she was nervous and cut off. "Oh my god thank you so much!". She seemed so happy, like her nervousness disappeared. "Okay well I'll see you soon". There hung up and she turned around to see me standing there, she smiled like she was hiding something. "Morning sweetie, hungry?". "Uh, morning. No, I think I'm just going to go". She nodded. "Who is Lisa?". I asked wondering what the call was about. "Uh, ill tell you when you get home ok". I nodded and left. I tried to forget about it, it couldn't of been anything that involved me so why worry. I arrived at school heading immediately to my locker, until I was jump scared by my best friend TJ. TJ had been my best friend since kindergarten, he came out as gay last year and ever since has gotten hate for it. His parents don't support him and it weren't for me, he would have any friends, but same for me, if it weren't for TJ I would have friends either, so I was thankful for him. "Oh my god! Don't do that". I said trying to catch my breathe, he knew how much I hated to be scared. "Sorry, you look amazing btw". He said, I smiled and laughed as we both laughed at our conversation we then had for about five minutes before he stopped talking mid sentence and looked up. "Look who's coming". He said. I turned around to see them. Two girls named Taylor and Trinity were walking with a bunch of random girls behind them. There knew everyone would look at them, because well let's face the facts, these girls grew up rich and royal, so there looked that way too. There were twins, spoilt, ignorant, dumb twins.
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(The one on the left is Trinty and the girl on the right is Taylor)
Trinity and Taylor ruled the school, or at least there thought there did. It's high school, if you ass is bigger enough, your tits hang out just enough, and your rich for any boy then you basically "got it", although it's funny for me to see how much stupidity there have to think this is real, high school would end, what would there do then? Right next to them were Ethan and Grayson, the two richest and hottest guys in the school, people especially girls worshiped these two. I didn't understand every girls obsession with two boys, yes, the we're muscular and were popular but I still didn't understand. Ethan and Grayson had never talked to me, which I was happy about. Suddenly Taylor came up to me with Trinity not too far behind her. "Ok here you go smart girl". She said plopping ten homework book into my fragile arms. "What the fuck are you doing?". I asked calmly. "Your smart right?". She asked, maybe she thought she got the wrong person. "I don't know who cares I'm not doing your homework". I said to her, she rolled her eyes and grabbed the books back. There walked away, Ethan and Grayson gave me a long stare of no emotion, no hate, no happy, no sad, just a plain stare.
The rest of the day I went to each class, fists held tight. The pills I had taken this morning had been wearing off, and I needed to keep myself calm. I wanted to punch the locker, through a kid through the window, and skip every class for a drug, any drug. The day ended, and I walked home quickly seeing my mom walk downstairs with a suitcase, what was she doing? "Uh.. what are you doing with the suitcase?". I asked. She was startled by my presence and caught her breathe. "Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about, sit down". She said, I sat at the kitchen counter. "Recently we've been having money issues, and I can't keep affording to have this house. So my friend who is very wealthy is taking us into her house, while I look for a job and save up some money". I didn't feel much for this. "Uh.. ok..". She nodded. "Who is the lady?". I asked. "Her name is Lisa, she is so nice and fun. I think she will love you". She smiled, ok whatever I thought.
We had packed the night before, I would miss a day at school tomorrow. I hopped into my bed for the last time, we weren't bringing any furniture, so my bed was gone. I was somewhat excited, that's if things turned out properly...