Part 2 to my last dean chapter.
It's been 2 months since you last seen dean. Sam tried to contact you but you never answered.
Dean wanted you to stay away so you did.
"Excuse me Ma'am." An old lady walked up. You were standing in the way of a shelf she was trying to reach.
"Oh I'm sorry." You apologized before quickly moving away.
You pushed your cart down the aisle and looked around the store for pie.
There it is! You thought once you found shelves full of pie.
You then saw him. Dean Winchester. You walked up slowly and avoided eye contact. You quickly grabbed the last cherry pie.
"Hey that's mine!" Dean growled.
"I didn't see your name on it" you shot.
"I was here first".
You rolled your eyes and shoved the container against his chest. "Woah no nee- Wait, Y/n?"
You looked up at him then looked away.
"I'm sorry for the last time we talked..." he apologized.
"As if you're sorry".
"I am....let me make it up to you, come to the motel with me, and we can share this pie together"
You gave a small smile then nodded. "Ok..."
A/N: Hey guys i'm gonna take a small break from updating this book. I'm currentlly working on something sweet (a small series on my instagram imagine account @soulless.daddy) I'm also working on a book.