Part8: Latin Pulls From Within

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I snapped my head arpund as the door creeked open again, this time, Venus walkind in holding something. It clanged and shifted amongst itself with a meatllic echo. I knew what it was immediately, but for some reason, it was wet. Coated in some water like substance as if it had been freshly cleaned and not dried.
"Nate, I'm going to restore you to the way you were before.... Then I can have you. You'll be all mine. We'll be able to keep each other. We can have a family together! Won't it be lovely?" He said it as if it was something I wanted as well.
    The thought of him doing those things to me made me cringe, I stood up from the bed and walked towards him, one of my fists clinched, ready to punch the hell out of him. But as soon as I raise my hand to throw it towards his face, it's caught in one of the shackles on the chains he's holding. It burns, the noticable white smoke rising from my redening skin, it takes everything I have not to scream.
"I told you, Nate," His voice becomes that deep serious tone again, "I will own you. And you will obey, and be good. Or there will be punishments. The chains are just a precaution...." He continues while I'm slightly out of it trying to deal with the pain in my right arm, and puts another on my left, and one per ankle.
    Before I know it, I'm chained to the bed, and I look up as the mattress sinks in around me. Venus looms over me, that crazed smile spreading across his face as he leans down and smells my neck, dragging his tongue along it. I pull with all my might on the chains, but to avail, I can't break them and I scream out in agony as the burning worsens the more I move in them. He continues, he drags bites and hickies down my neck and onto my chest, which he seems unhappy with. He places a hand on each spot I used to have a woman like breast, and starts chanting, I have taken some Latin, and I understand what he's doing.
    My eyes widen in shock and disbelief as barely a few minutes ago my chest was flat and smooth, the way I preferred it, and now, it was back. A womanly breast on each side, I tear up, wanting nothing more than to gouge them off of my body. He moves down to my stomach area, and begins to chant again, hands where my female reproductive system used to be. I feel sharp pain as things begin shifting in my body, I can the organs being replaced, put back into me. And finally, he moves just a bit further down, determined to make me fully female again. And he does. I writhe in the chains, they don't as much as the knowledge of what I physically am again. Knowing I am not a male anymore, but a female. I cry out, screaming, everything I had worked so hard for, to physically become myself, all of it.... Gone.
"Shhh, it's ok, Naomi." I recoiled at the name. "That's not who I am anymore!" I scream, I'm terrified, feel like my arms melting away with each movement against the cuffs on the chains, I can't break out of them, I know that much, but out of fear, I keep trying. "Yes it is, it's ok. You're safe now, they can't hurt you anymore, Naomi. I have you here, we're together. Safe, where no one can interfere in our relationship again." Venus spoke as if we've always been together, or at least that we had been before.
    I feel a twisting and sharp pain in my abdomen, I know what this is, I haven't felt it in so long, and I hate it, I feel it as I start to bleed. I'm having a period.... I am frightened once more and writhe in pain.
"You're already starting again? I thought I might have to wait to see if you were still fertile or not. I have my answer now." He said, sitting up and smiling down at me.
    I stared at him in pain and horror as I bled onto the white sheets, he got up, fixing the chains onto the bed so I couldn't get up. He looked down at me again, leaning in and kissing my cheek.
"It'll be ok, Naomi. I'll go get you somthing for the pain, and a clean pair of underwear." He dissapeared through the door and all I could do was cry silently.
    I cried out of pain. I cried out of frustration. I couldn't hold it together anymore. I let the pain slip away, far away. I forced myself into a dreamless sleep, the only thing I could feel was my heart beat against my chest.
Ka-thump Ka-thump Ka-thump
    I listened. I listened for anything. The shuffling of his feet what seemed to be right below me. So I assume I'm on the second floor of the house. I hear something like a fridge open and then close, and bottle clanging on the counter and a church key flinging the aluminum cap. The swallow of a liquid which sizzles and burns in their throat. I hear a set of paw steps, heavy but small on the floor, I don't hear claws, so I assume it's a cat. I hear the person in the kitchen begin to shuffle around again, plopping their body onto a chair or sofa in the room next to the kitchen.
    Then it dawns on me, how am I hearing all of this?
    It doesn't make sense. I can hear it vividly enough to form a picture of it in my mind as if I am truly watching it happen in front of my very eyes.
In fact, I can. I can reach out and touch the objects, move about freely, but only within the house. Damn.

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