16: I'm Fine

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Why did I tell Cheryl? No! Why did I do it in the first place? "Toni you can't do this!" I look at Kate. "Oops." That's all. "Toni you could have died!" She sits on my bed. "That was the point!" I yell at her. "Toni..." I look away from her. "This isn't what mom would like, you-." I interrupt her. "She's dead! Why does it matter anymore?" I take a deep breath. "Toni..." I shake my head. "I don't care." I hold her shirt. "You're going to therapy." She whispers. "Gladly." I look her in the eye.

"Why did you tell her?" Veronica ask quietly. I take a hit. Yeah I'm out of the hospital getting high with Veronica. "Because I couldn't hold it. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I ask quietly. "Are you going to be crying over Cheryl?" She ask pissed. "No." I lie getting closer to her face. "Ok." She cups my cheek. I pull her into a kiss. "Toni!" Kate barrages through the door. "Oh." She looks at us. "You're high." She whispers. "You're not?" I stand up. She walks over to me. "You tried to kill yourself last week." She whispers. "I'm fine." I lie. "You're high. You can't be trusted with Thomas." She tells me. "You're were supposed to be at school today, I know that you're going through a lot so I'll let today go." She whispers. "Whatever." I walk back to Veronica. Kate rolls her eyes. "Sorry about that." I smile. I pull her into a kiss. "Why didn't you want to go to school today?" She ask quietly. "Because I'm tired. I can't wait to get out of here." I sit up. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Everything reminds me of my mom." I move hair of her face. "What do you want to do when you graduate?" She ask quietly. "Leave this town, join the army and go to college after that live a normal life, get married, have a kid or two." I think for a minute. "Definitely getting a cat." We both laugh quietly. 


"I heard you're single." I look up from my work at Heather. "What do you want?" I ask pissed off. "You." She winks. "You broke my heart." I whisper. "Yeah and? Toni was obviously your rebound that lasted way to long." She shrugs. "I loved her." I say quietly. "Clearly she didn't love you. One date! That's all I'm asking? Even if we go just to make Toni jealous." She insist. "Fine, on one condition!" She nods. "Talk to Josie, Sweet Pea has been trying to date her for years now! Just tell her to at least acknowledge his existence." She nods. "Deal. I'll pick you up at 6?" She ask quietly. "Where are you currently staying?" She ask me. "Ahh, I've been staying with Sweet Pea." I whisper slightly embarrassed. "Well, if you want to stay with me. It's just me and my mom. You'll have to sleep on the couch though." She suggest. "We'll talk."

"Cheryl I'm sorry about this summer." I look at Heather. "I know." She turns away from the movie. She rubs my cheek and pulls me into a kiss. I slowly pull away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." She turns away from me and rubs her thighs. "It's ok." I whisper. I grab her shoulder and kiss her again. My phone starts ringing. I look at it and it's Toni. "Take it." Heather whispers. I get up and pick up the phone. "Toni..." I walk into the bathroom. "Cheryl, I'm sorry." She whispers, I know she's high or something. "Why are you calling?" I ask quietly. "I messed up and I'm sorry. I'm just going through a lot right now. I need you. And I seriously fucked up, and I know. I miss you." I desperately holds back tears. "Why did you cheat?" I ask quietly. "Because I know you don't love me anymore." My heart drops. "Toni that's, that's not true! I love you more than anything, you just did the worst thing you could possibly do." I tell her quietly. "Really?" She whispers tiredly. "Of course." I pace around the small bathroom. "Can you forgive me?" I let a tear fall. "I don't know." I answer honestly. I don't know if I can forgive her, I get why she did what she did! It still doesn't make any of it right. "Can I try to make it up to you?" She ask with some kind of hope in her voice. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." I answer not knowing what else to say. "Of course. I'll see you tomorrow." She hangs up. I walk out to Heather. "It's ok." She whispers to me. "I know you still love her." She whispers. I sit next to her. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "It's ok." I look at her. "If you want to go to her, you can." She whisper softly. "What about you?" I ask quietly. "I'll be here. Go." I nod and leave. I get in my car and go to Toni's trailer. I knock on the door. She opens it slowly. "Cheryl?" I pull her into a kiss. "I'm sorry." I tell her. I cup her cheek. "Cheryl, you shouldn't be the one apologizing." She whispers. We inside the trailer and sit on the couch, the tv playing softly in the background. "How's Thomas?" I ask motioning to his room. "He's had a meltdown everyday this week. Kate's back in rehab." She whispers. "What about you?" I ask quietly. "I'm fine, I just did it to feel better but it made me feel worse." She rubs her hands together. "What about you and Veronica?" I ask just above whisper. "I don't know, we got in a fight today because I told her that I was done with the drugs and the sneaking around." She says sadly. "Do you have feelings for her?" I ask quietly. "Honestly." I look up at her. "Yeah, but I'm madly in love with you." She tells me quietly. I sit back. "Cheryl, I'm lost without you. I haven't felt so happy with anyone else and I've haven't been that happy in so long." She takes my hand. "Toni, I can't sleep." Thomas walks out. "Ok, I'm busy right now bud." Toni says awkwardly. "I'll be in your room in a few minute." He nods and go into his room. "You should go help him." I whisper. "Yeah." She gets up and goes to his room. Once she's done she comes back out. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. "You love him more than anything." I say quietly as she sits next to me. "Yeah. I wish I could protect him from this horrible world, I can't though." She whispers. "The one person I loved as much as you love Thomas, killed himself." I say quietly. "Jason?" She takes my hand. "Yeah."

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