How lovely

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(Art isn't mine! But it's cute!)
My mum stared at the three new girls that had come out of nowhere in front of her.
Mum: Y/N who are these girls!?
You:They would be Yuri,Natsuki and Sayori!
Mum: So I guess I'm registering them to Your school too then huh?
You: That would be great yes...
Mum: My wallet is gonna cry...
You: I'll get a part time job..
Mum: You better girl or you'll have to buy yourself your own house!
We all laughed as my mum smiled and stepped out to buy them their school uniform and equipment and soon enough they were set to go. Everyone was tired and soon I set up the guest room for the other girls. There were three single beds. Enough for them all. I then went back to my room to find Monika fast asleep. I smile. "What an Angel.." I say to myself as I hold her hand.

I soon climb into bed with her and wrap my arms around her

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I soon climb into bed with her and wrap my arms around her. "I love you much" I felt her turn around and flutter her eyes open to reveal those emerald orbs that I adore so much. "I love you too Y/N...with all my heart" She soon pulled my face closer to her for us to share a passionate kiss. We both soon closed our eyes and fell asleep in each others embrace.

I wake up to soon hear a loud shout coming from the guest room. "I ain't got no sleep cuz of you Baka's now no one gets no sleep cuz of me!!" That was Natsuki's voice..."Natsuki be quiet others are trying to sleep!" Yuri scolds Natsuki.
Natsuki:It was sayori's fault I didn't sleep!
Sayori: What did I do?!

Already awake are they? So this is how my mornings are gonna be from now on? Great...
I walk over to their room careful not to wake Monika. Once I'm there I gently open the door (Don't kill me! 😂)
You: What is all this racket?!
Sayori: Natsuki is blaming me for not being able to sleep because I snore but it's not my fault I do!!!
Yuri: They wouldn't shut their mouths all night!
Natsuki: Say that to Sayori!
You: hey hey!! Let's all calm down! You guys only just got here yesterday yet you're already causing a riot!?
The girls looked at me with sad eyes clearly ashamed of themselves.
You: look I'm just trying to get you guys settled in and not fighting. I want us all to be good family.
The girls looked at me with shocked faces.
All: Do you mean that Y/N?
You: Of course I do! Now let's all get ready for school shall we?
All: Ok!
I gave them their uniforms and headed back to my room. I walked in on Monika changing.
Monika: Eek!
Monika just smirked.
Monika: It's ok it's for your eyes only and you just startled me that's all...
I blushed hard and left the room nodding without a word.
You: Well...that was something
I place my hand on my cheek.
You: Am I blushing?
I smile to myself.
I wonder what Monika's thinking...

Monika PoV
Y/N just walked in on me whilst I only had my leggings and my unbuttoned shirt on revealing my bra. It could have been worse... but her reaction was extremely cute. She blushed and I think I blushed too. "Stop thinking dirty things Monika!" I think out loud cursing myself for thinking of something quite erotic. Just then I hear a knock on the door.
You: Mon! are you done in there honey?
I blush even more.
Monika: give me a second!
You: ok!
I finally put on my shirt, tie and blazer and headed out the door to see Y/N waiting outside with her back against the wall with her shirt unbuttoned by three at the top showing some of her skin. She looked extremely attractive.
You: Monika are you there?
She waves her hands in front of my face.
Monika: huh? Oh yeah!  I'm ready now!
I keep blushing when Y/N lifts up my chin and whispers to me.
You: Where are you staring?
I blush even more not being able to look her in the eye. She just laughs.
You: You're too adorable Monika!
She walks off as I gaze after her. She then stops halfway down the stairs.
You: You coming or what? I made breakfast for once!
I laugh and walk over to her embracing her tightly.
Monika: let's go!
We walk downstairs to see that Y/N had made waffles with strawberries and cream. It looked delicious.
You: I also made you coffee
I kiss her cheek.
Monika: Thank you!
She smiles as she grabs her blazer and tie and puts them on. Unfortunately she buttoned the rest of her shirt. I was slightly disappointed not gonna lie but I know how strict the school is on uniform. I eat breakfast with Y/N, Midnight and the other girls before leaving with all five of them.

Monika and I reach school with the other girls and meet up with my friends while Midnight runs of and does her own thing with her friends.
Y/N: Hey guys!
They all look at the 3 new girls shocked.
All your friends: No way!!!
I smile.
You:Well guys allow me to introduce you! This is Yuri, Sayori and Natsuki.
Yuri: Hello! Pleasure to meet you!
Natsuki: uh..hey
Kobayashi looked at me stunned.
Kobayashi: How exactly did this happen?!
Y/N: To be honest I don't know!
Monika giggles and leans her head on my shoulder.
Y/N: What brought that on?
Monika: I don't know. Am I not allowed to do this?
Y/N: Of course you are! I'm just wondering about the reason you did it.
Monika: There doesn't need to be one. I just love you Y/N.
I hold her hand and enjoy her touch.
You: I love you too Monika.
Some people around us cooed and whistled while Kobayashi, Tohru, Todoroki, Sailor Mars Yuri, Sayori and even Natsuki all spoke at the same time.
All: Aww!
I will never get used to Monika and her love.

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