Oh- (NAKI x ghoul!reader)

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  Stumbling and tripping, over and over.
(Y/n) ran as fast as she could from the danger that had coincidentally found her whilst feasting. Oh what a bother it was.
It would on rare occasions be easier to escape from CCG and she'd out run them but it seems that they stepped up the game recently. She didn't really care about those dammed ratings that they gave ghouls and the last time she cared was a while back when she was rated A. But now she could only assume that she was an S rated ghoul.

From the corner of her eye she could see the white coats of two men but the rest- where'd they go? Had they split up? Maybe called back to headquarters? She had no clue. 
She continued to run and cut corners, it was becoming more and more of a struggle to keep going. 

Her eyes slowly got heavier each 2 meters she ran, her body beginning to feel numb. With only being able to see what's left of her vision, she cut into another alley way, seeing what looked like a thin man with a white suit minding his business while what looked like he was running errands. She attempted to run to him but miserably failing as darkness overcame her vision, herself only able to mutter two clear words of needed help. "Help me-", and so, her body fell to the floor, clearly  unconscious.

The male that just had a grown woman faint right in front of him kinda confused him for a second before realising the sounds of fast moving footsteps, it rang alarm bells in his head. Since it was only one bag of errands, it wouldn't hurt if her threw her over his shoulder and ran- right?

And so before he had time to think rational about that option, he went through with it anyways, throwing (Y/n) over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.  He then ran straight out of there as fast as he could. Base was nearby anyways, so he went there. Maybe he'd do a bit of show and tell to Yamori later when they got out of the mess he had to get this woman out of.

Eventually loosing the CCG and arriving at base, the male snuck in as quietly as he could, avoiding anyone so that they didn't go and tell boss Yamori that he may have been a tad late while running errands. Sneaking through the halls, with a woman on his shoulder, he soon made it inside his room questioning whether to put her on his bed, floor or  just maybe roll her under his bed but he  ended up doing the first option but made sure to leave the room with the door shut for a bit.

Before leaving he pulled out one of the post-it note pads he owned he wrote in what he thought the best way he could, "Wh hen yoo wacke up, plewes staye."  (of course what he was trying to write was "when you wake up, please stay." But it was his best attempt at it I guess.)
He left the room quietly as well as in a hurry to Yamori, hoping his boss wouldn't notice. He was also wondering if it's a good idea to tell Yamori about the girl. But he just let it be as he made his way to where Yamori was most likely to be found.

(1hour later)
Waking up from a very uncomfortable position on a mattress, which was unfamiliar to her in scent, was the woman who fainted. She rubbed her eyes before taking glances of her surroundings. The room was kinda tidy others then the fact there was a shirt on the floor.
When looking, she noticed bright colored post it notes on a bed side cabinet. Looking over the post it note was a surprise to (y/n), they person who wrote it couldn't write very well. "Well then... This'll be a struggle to understand." She muttered, trying to decipher what on earth it was saying.

A few seconds went by till it finally hit her.
"This person is an illiterate! Or just really stupid..."
She gasped a bit right after she said that as she hadn't noticed the shadow stood still behind the closed door. The figure seemed to shuffle slightly about to open the door. To her it seemed like time had slowed and panic was swallowing her. She was hoping that the shadow hadn't heard her speaking to herself.

The doorknob turned slowly in her eyes as well as her own movement had felt slower as she attempted to hide under the covers of the bed though there would be an obvious lump under them. Watching the door open in slow motion was making her head hurt as the shadow of a man walked through the crack of the open door.

" uh- hello? Are you still here and awack?"
Naki had nervously spoken, swallowing the lump in his throat, watching the covers of his bed looking for any sudden movement as a sign of being awake.
[y/n] had furrowed her eyebrows slightly as she was trying to figure out if she should correct him and show that she was awake or pretend she was asleep. She took the first option out of curiosity.

"It's awake, so yes I am."
She responded, creeping out from under the covers.
"Oh- uh okay. Don't need to be so mean about it..."
The blonde muttered, looking at the girl, his eyes feeling soothed by just looking. Was he? I'm not quite sure but he may be. His eyes looked like rubies in sunlight to the girl due to the way he was looking at her.

"Wait- where am I?"
"My room. Like it?"
Naki replied quickly, not seeing anything wrong with her in his room. If he did know why things where all of a sudden awkward, he would try to change that but- that'd be kinda difficult for the boy.

"You're smiling like a weirdo, ya know that?"
She spoke, looking at him with a small unnoticeable smile.



End of chapter

A/N: hello! long time, no write.  I finally finished this chapter and I am planning to do a part 2! Though I'm also planning on making another book but probably BNHA related if something or a art dump book. So yeah. Let me know what you like most.

Also have this random fish that looks adorable

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Also have this random fish that looks adorable. Anyways cya later!

Words written: 1092

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