Duty Calls

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A/N: here's chapter 6 for ya guys

One week later: Fairy Tail Guild

The guild was as lively as ever but the closer you got to the bar the quieter it got. Erza sat on one of the bar stools eating her strawberry cheesecake slowly, deep in her own thoughts 'It's all my fault that Y/N got injured I'm such a terrible girlfriend '. Cana sat at the bar barely drinking as she was worried about Y/N. The doors to the infirmary swung open to reveal a shirtless Y/N walk out and right up to the bar."Damn who died over here". Y/N said as he looked around as Erza, Cana, Lisanna, Mirajane, Olivia, Ultear and Meredy looked at Y/N with tears in their eyes. Erza was the first to move as she ran towards Y/N and embraced him in a very tight hug and cried into his chest.Y/N looked at the normally strong Erza crying like a baby into his chest, he looked at her, his eyes laced with concern. He then placed his thumb on Erza's chin and tilted her head so she was looking at him, Y/N then lowered his head and kissed Erza on the lips.

Erza initially flinched on contact but quickly gave in and kissed Y/N back, the two sperated after a few seconds and looked at each other with love and affection."I'm so sorry my love, I wasn't strong enough to...".Erza began but her tears began to flow again, Y/N pulled her closer and whispered in Erza's ear. "It's okay Erza I'm still alive and don't love you any less because you didn't help me, in fact I love you even more because you care so much about me". Y/N said lovingly as he released Erza but just as he did he was tackled Olivia, who nearly threw him off balance, Y/N looked down at Olivia who was now crying uncontrollably into his bare chest."You reckless idiot, why did you try and fight him on your own"! Olivia yelled as Y/N just wrapped his arms around Olivia and replied."So I could keep you and Erza safe, I know you two are very powerful mages but...".Y/N started but was cut off by Olivia slamming her lips into his, after a minute or two of kissing the pair separated as Olivia replied "Just don't do anything like that again, you hear me".

Olivia then released her hug on Y/N but then Ultear ran towards Y/N and threw her arms around his neck and slamming her lips into his. Y/N was initially surprised at swift contact but then kissed back, after another minute or two the pair separated and Ultear looked Y/N square in the eyes and said. "Never scare me like that again, understand"? Y/N gulped slightly and nodded his head as Ultear continued saying."You are the most important person in my life, you saved me from continuing down a dark path. I love you with all of my heart and seeing you in so much pain and not being able to help you broke my heart so much. Seeing you carried on Olivia's back barely conscious hurt me so much I was barely able to keep it together and then seeing like that...".Ultear couldn't finish her speech as she broke down into tears, Y/N heart began to beat faster and blush coated his cheeks. After a minute of silence from him, Y/N spoke up saying "Ultear I love you so much, more than words can describe. I would never want to hurt you in any way, knowing that I have caused you this much pain with my reckless actions hurts me so much. I'm so sorry for putting you through this Ultear, can you forgive me"?

Ultear smiled as she looked up at her boyfriend and smiled in very seductive way as she leaned in an whispered in Y/N's ear. "Wow such passion Y/N your kinda turning me on, you'll just have to show me how much you love me and how sorry you really are". Y/N's widened and his blush became worse, however before he could reply Olivia came up to the pair of them and said. "Okay you two cut it out". As she separated the both of them Ultear's smirk had gone and was replaced with a small pouted as she moaned."I wasn't finish Olivia"."Well tough, you'll just have to get it on with him later tonight instead of right now". Olivia replies as she took a glance over at Erza and the words she told her echoed in her head and a big smirk formed on her lips as she walked towards Y/N, when she reached him Olivia leaned over and whispered, in a sultry way, into Y/N's ear."You know Erza said she needed to be punished for leaving you on that train".

Y/N initially didn't get what Olivia was hinting at but then caught on and a sly smile graced his face as she turned and faced Erza, as Erza stared at Y/N she became slightly afraid, and aroused, at the smile on his face. Y/N began to walk towards Erza, almost like an animal would stalk it prey, and as he reached Erza he placed his thumb and index finger and under her chin and lifted her head so he could stare into her brown eyes with his dark blue eyes. "So I hear you've been a bad girl Erza and that you need to be punished". Y/N whispered just loud enough for Erza to hear him. However before Erza could respond Master Makarov came out of his office and requested that Y/N, Ultear and Olivia enter his office, Olivia and Ultear followed Master Makarov into his office where as Y/N groaned, he kissed Erza and walked towards Makarov's office.

Makarov's Office
"Why'd you call us in here gramps"? Y/N questioned as Makarov sighed and turned around."We have received a request from the Magic Council". Makarov began as all three were slightly shocked as to why the Magic Council would asked for all three of them personally, then Makarov continued."They have requested you three travel to a remote village in the north of Fiore and get rid of a powerful monster called Des Gardius". Y/N just smiled and said."Let's do this".

A/N: and that concludes chapter 6 for ya guys and I'm sorry it took so long I was busy with life and other stories but I'll try and update this as often as I can

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