|Red Rusty Truck|

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The Wednesday night ended, leaving Peggy alone in the streets

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The Wednesday night ended, leaving Peggy alone in the streets. The darkness gave her chills but she shook them off, not wanting to seem like a baby once again that she was always referenced too.

The night was easy. Barely anybody came inside to shop for any records which left Peggy to think a lot about things she didn't need to think about. Things that always bothered her.

Crickets were in the night that chirped loudly. It bothered her, it scared her. What a baby.

"They're only crickets. What's so scary about crickets?" She told herself.

Suddenly a engine fired loudly through the night. Peggy began to walk faster, not wanting to see what would be coming down the street. Her little legs didn't do much though. It only left her breathless by the end of the street.

The engine of a truck got closer. Peggy turned her head to see the red rusty truck that was going her way. Her heart was in her throat.

Peggy feared that someone could take her. Ever since the serial killer ordeal, the world's been more cautious. Even though Peggy never experienced any sort of life threatening situation, she was still scared to be left alone with anyone in a suspicious red rusty looking truck.

Laughter echoed in the dark which sent Peggy walking faster again. Her little legs didn't send her to far away as the truck was now next to her, going slowly. She turned her head and was faced with four boys sitting in the truck with beers in their hands. Oh wonderful.

"Hello pretty girl, what's your name?"

Peggy stopped walking and was shaking in the dark. Silence filled the air.

The boy who sat in the drivers seat licked his lips and chuckled revealing a crooked set of teeth.

"Come on girl, don't you speak? Now, what's your name?"


The boys began to awe at the name, mocking it. Except one boy who sat in the back who wore a sad face with sympathetic eyes being shot at Peggy. This boy was Richard Starrkey. Richard could only feel sorry for the young girl. Although he admired the features of Peggy he knew that she was a young girl due to the baby face she had and her petite height. The moment one of the boys ordered for her to hop in, Richards heart leaped.

"She's too young lads."

All eyes were on the young lad who's eyes were beautiful gems that seemed to sparkle in the night.

The driver thought for a moment then turned to face the young girl.

"Age." The boy demanded with a serious face.

"Fourteen." The girl squeaked.

The boys nod, feeling weird about the situation. For, the boys were 17. The boys wanted to move on and find another girl they could meet but Richard seemed to just stare and stare. The more time he stared at her, the more he felt a feeling that wasn't very welcomed by anyone and not even him. This special feeling.

"Well bye girl. Ring us up when your old enough." The driver laughed and hit the pedal. They were off.

Peggy stared at the back of the truck, more specifically at the boy who had spoken up. She felt honored and touched by the little act that helped her. She wish she could've seen more of him but it was the dark. But one thing she was sure of was that his eyes sparkled like diamonds. For a second, Peggy could've swore she saw him look back.

"Now why would a boy want to look back at me."

Peggy sighed heavily and continued her way down to her house where she would be greeted with her bastard brother.


She's Just A Baby//Ringo StarrWhere stories live. Discover now