chapter 1 distractions

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Courtney's pov

The hot water brought my tired weary body back to life. I loved a lazy Saturday morning. A few moments after I jumped out of the shower grabbing my phone I looked on Twitter. I regretted it almost amidutly afterwards more and more hurtful tweets building up on my body and apprence. Scrolling down to find more and more. Then something caught my eye. I closed my sea blue eyes repeatedly looking at the screen in pure shock. After all why was he tweeting me I was just another fan of his who is madly in love with him. I then kept scrolling as I thought I was dreaming more and more hate. I could not handle this anymore. All the judgemental idiots ruining my life. All of a sudden I became overwhelmed by everything I burst into tears. I ran towards the medicine cabinet in my bathroom. Slipping on the wat floor as i did so. Scanning the labels of the many tablet boxes i found what I was looking for. Good old paracetamol I just kept taking them I could not stop I tried to distract myself from the pain and nausea which over came me. My only distraction from reality was his beautiful voice and his meaningful lyrics. A few hours later i woke up dazed and confused I didn't remember what happened to me. I sat up in bed as I hurd the apartment door open and then close with a thud I wonder which one of the boys its is. (Sorry did i forget to mention I share an apartment with my 5 best friends thay are one direction but I don't see them as the most well known boy band in the world I see them as my 5 best friends.) Unluckily for me my door smashed open and standing their was my beautiful irish lepricorn he was the only one who knew everything. He stood their with a smile on his face then his expression dropped. "Courtney what have you been doing" he said with panic trembling across his voice. I turned to face him I looked him in his eyes and said " Niall I honestly don't know". With that he shook his head and started searching my room. It did not take him long to find the empty tablet boxes on the bathroom floor he ran back and shouted "how many have you taken" I just shrugged my shoulders the only thing I really cared about was the beautiful voice that was singing in my ears. That's the last thing i remember..

Nialls pov

Flinging the apartment door open and closing it with a thud. I shouted Courtneys name there was no answer I ran towards her bedroom her door was closed I opened it quietly so she never heard me if she was asleep but to my complete surprise she was sat upright in bed with white lips and pale face looking straight ahead her mascara running down the delicate features of her face. I asked her what she's been doing she said she didn't know. I suddenly panicked as I saw her bathroom cabinet was open. I frantically began searching her room. It did not take me long to find the empty boxes of paracetamol on the floor of her bathroom. I ran back and shouted to her how many have you taken she just shrugged. I was checking the box for the dosage I could not find it i then turned to look at her. Her eyes were closed her breathing was slow. I began shaking as i diled the number for an ambulance. Tears filled my eyes I did not know what to do. As I waited for the ambulance I saw her phone was on the bedside drawers so obviously i knew her password shes My best friend her twitter was the first thing that I opened my eyes widend in shook as I read all the hurtful tweets about her. Suddenly a loud shout snapped me out of my trance it was the paramedics. They checked her over before we got her in the ambulance. On the way to the hospital I just kept pressing play on her ipod as her earphones where in her ears all she was listening to on repeat was Ed sheeran thinking out loud. She does love that man so much it's unreal I think she is a mega sherrio. Just then the ambulance stopped with a jolt we had arrived. I hope she is going to be okay. I better text the other boys.

A/n hey guys changed it. Hopefully you like it comment/like/followme♡♥

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