Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Hermione's Apartment 6:30 AM

Light peeks through her closed blinds, effectively hitting her in the face. Hermione growls as she rolls over to check her alarm clock. Great… thirty minutes before her alarms goes off to get up for work.

   Hermione gets up to start the day by taking a shower to warm her bones. The coffee maker which is set on a timer starts brewing perfection and is ready by the time the young woman turns the water off.

   Clad in robe and slippers shuffling into the kitchen to grab her coffee, a tap sounds at the window in the living room. Hermione looks in wonder confused at the window

'who would send me a letter this early?'

Her coffee was forgotten on the kitchen counter.

   The window pane makes a squeak as she pulls it open to let the bright white owl fly into her home. Untying the parchment with ease, as soon as the letter became free the bird quickly flew off out of the window, not waiting for a reply back from her.


Dear Hermione-

   You make me want to be a better person so I send my greatest gratitude.

That was it, that was all the letter said. Hermione flips the page over to double check and nothing, that was it.. Frustration starts to peak out from Hermione  

' Who the hell would send a letter like that? it couldn't be Ron..'

Ron hasn't talked to her since the split, not one word. She had tried to reach out through Harry but he replied that Ron wasn't ready. So she stopped trying.

Storming over to the coffee pot to pour another more fresh mug, she checked the time and was content that she had twenty-five minutes left till she had to be at work.

   Still pondering the precarious letter the brunette entered a local bookstore that carried muggle literature from all genres. In through the back entrance is the only way into the wizard section. Hermione loved working here as it was the best of both worlds. As she likes to say being muggle born there comes some perks.

   Stuffing the letter in her bag, Hermione starts her shift. She gets lost along the way among the scent of quill ink and leather bound books. By the time it comes to closing, the young witch has forgotten all about the strange note that was delivered to her home that morning.

   Closing up shop and the keys in hand she clutches the scarf closer and tighter around her neck. The breeze of the cool autumn air seeping between the fibers of her clothing. Walking along, Hermione quietly casts a warming charm to her person trying to fight off the chill.

"Excuse me! you just stepped on my brand new three hundred pound shoes." The man yelled past her as she walks not once slowing down her pace.

" Excuse me, ma'am?!" The man yelled louder catching her attention turning around Hermione comes face to face with Draco Malfoy.

"You stepped on my shoes granger" he repeats.

"No, I didn't Malfoy. Now buzz off ferret." She huffs turning away once more. A large cool hand grabs around her bicep to halt her exit.

"I swear Malfoy let me go or I will hex you into next week."

Draco did not let go, he only tightened his grip. A look of pain creased between Hermione's brows at this point. Draco didn't miss this.

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