I'm not like that

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Blake's story

Blake woke up at 5, one hour before his alarm. "Fuck." He says as he looks at the clock and then gets up. He sits on his bed rubbing his ribs. "Damn this hurts." He mutters as he looks at the bruises. His dad came home drunk last night and used Blake as a punching bag, again. He wraps his ribs with a bandage to try to ease the pain. He slowly rubs his eyes and watches the sun begin to rise. "Hello my friend." He says as the sky turns a beautiful yellow orange. He gets dressed in jeans and a hoodie

and heads down stairs limping slightly as pain shoots from his ribs through his entire body

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and heads down stairs limping slightly as pain shoots from his ribs through his entire body. Grabbing an apple and his car keys he goes out the door before his father wakes up. Sitting in his car in the school parking lot he's the only person there. He takes out his phone and checks the school chat app.
"Did you see the new girl? What an emo."
"I heard she's a witch. I mean the light all went out when she got mad."
"She's just a crazy b!tch guys. I'll take her down~queen B."
He rolls his eyes and logs off. "Dumb bitches." He thinks watching more people pull into the school. "Time to start another day in hell." He says getting out of his car. Walking up to the door he sees a bird laying on the walk, after making sure no one is around he holds his hand over the bird and closes his eyes, after a moment the bird opens its eyes and flys away, he smiles and walks into the building. He sits in his chair in the main room and watches as Rebecca walks in and pushes a girl out of her chair and sit down. "My chair nerd." He rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone until the teacher finally walks in and starts telling the morning announcements, once the teacher is done he heads to his first class, biology. He watches Salem closely as she is looking out the window. He laughs under his breath when the teacher calls on her 'she wasn't paying attention teach' he thinks as she stammers to the teacher. After the bell rings he walks out to the school garden and sighs sitting under a tree. After a short while he stands up and starts walking over to the benches, a boy running to the other side of the garden runs into him and looks up at him scared. "I'm sorry!" He says but it's to late, Blake pushes him out if his way making him fall. "Get out of my way." Salem watches him and walks over to him "Hey watch it jerk. He was there first." She laughs at him and shakes her head "at least he wasn't dressed like.. That." She giggles to herself and smiles. He grolws at her in an almost animalistic way. "Watch it." He snarles and walks past her. "Jack ass!" She yells at him as he sulks away. He pulls his hoodie over his head and turns back to her "I'd love to rip you limb from limb. Make you run for you life, then rip you apart." He walks away into the building his hands in his pockets. She rolls her eyes and pulls her hood up as well. "I'd like to see him try." She says. She turns to the boy he pushed down and asks him "Who was that anyway?" "Are you kidding that was Blake Darkson. The biggest asshole in the school." She looks back to the door and grabs her phone texting Octavia "hey do you know a Blake Darkson?" "Um yeah why?" "I just met him and he's a dick. " "He's been arrested like 3 time for arson. Stay away from him. He's no good. I got class gtg." She looks at her phone and cocks her eyebrow. "Huh." She watches him as he walks deeper into the school. "Huh" She says again.

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