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I hear a door slam behind me meaning Jason had probably gotten back from where ever he had gone, he probably told me but I wasn't listening, I haven't been doing that much lately since Charlie and Niall died and the kids were taken away. Yeah you heard that right, Atticus and Toby were taken away by social services since I am under 18 and Jason travels for work so they didn't think the kids would be looked after properly. 

It's been 4 months since the car crash and nothing has been normal since, I haven't seen the kids since the funeral, I don't even know where they are, I think Jason knows but he doesn't want to tell me in case I go over there and take the kids, which I most definitely will. "Get up" I look up at Jason to see he was looking down at me with a stern look on his face. "why?" I question as I turn my head to the side so I could continue watching the show on the television. 

"well since it's your birthday today I wanted to take you somewhere" Oh yeah today is my 18th birthday, I haven't really been keeping track of time so today just feels like an ordinary day to me, nothing special. After a while Jason finally managed to get me off the couch and to the bathroom to have a shower and get ready for the day. Just to annoy Jason even more I took my time. "Luke hurry the fuck up, I don't have all day" Jason yelled out nearly an hour later from outside my bedroom door, which was locked to keep him out.  

I roll my eyes and finish getting dressed before putting my wallet and phone in my pockets before unlocking my bedroom door and pulling it open to see my frustrated brother. I roll my eyes at him and head to the front door where I slip my vans on and walk out the front door. I raise an eyebrow when I see a truck parked out the front with a couple of guys standing around it. "The cars unlocked, I'll be right back" I nod my head and head over to the car while Jason heads over to the truck to speak to the guys. 

Five minuets later Jason finally got in the car and started it before reversing out, I didn't bother about asking him about the guys and the truck because he probably wouldn't give me an answer. I close my eyes and try to have a quick nap before we reach our unknown destination. Not even twenty minuets later I feel the car come to a stop so I open my eyes to see we were out the front of an indoor play centre which made me raise an eyebrow and turn my attention to my brother and question him with my eyes. 

"Just get out" I groan and unbuckle my seatbelt before getting out of the car and shutting the door behind myself. Almost instantly the sound of a screaming child filled the air, I put my head down and start walking behind Jason as memories of Atticus and Toby filled my brain. "Oi stop it" I hear Jason call out which confused me because I wasn't doing anything, I look up to see we were nearing the screaming child that had now stopped screaming and was looking at us with tears streaming down his face. "Go get him" Jason said with a chuckle as he looks at my stunned face. 

I start walking over to the 4 year old, picking up my pace as I go until I reach him, he had now dropped to the ground in tears so I bend down and lift him up into my arms and hold him as I nearly begin to cry. "Lukey" Atticus cried as he wraps his arms tightly around my neck and sobs. "I missed you baby" I whisper to him as I place a kiss on the side of his head. "I miss you too" He whispers back before letting out a hiccup which made me chuckle. "I'm here now bub"  

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