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I groan as I hear Toby cry from her bedroom that I had moved to right next door to mine so I could reach her better. I grumpily get out of my bed and slip on some sweatpants that were on the ground beside my bed before walking out of the room, turning the hallway light on in the process. I walk into Toby's bedroom to see she was laying in her crib balling her eyes out. I walk over and lift the 10 month old out of the crib and place her against my bare chest. 

"Shh baby" I whisper as I slowly carry her out of her nursey and downstairs to the kitchen where I grab out an already made bottle before going back upstairs to my bedroom, I turn the hallway light off, dim my bedroom light before walking over to the bed, the bed wasn't how I left it though. There was now a lump on the right side and a little boy's head was on my pillow. "What are you doing awake baby?" I ask Atticus softly as I sit down on the bed, place Toby in the middle before passing her the bottle of milk which she happily grabbed onto and began drinking. "Nightmare" Atticus mumbled, I reach over and play with his hair as he tried to get back to sleep. 

I let go of the bottle and grab my phone from my bedside table to check the time, I let out a groan as my screen displayed 3:45am. I adjust myself so I was laying down on my side facing both of the children. "love you lukey" Atticus mumbles as he slightly opens his eyes to look at me. "Love you too Atty" I reply as I continue to play with his hair which I know helps him sleep after a nightmare. 


"Lukey wake up" I hear Atticus groan from beside me followed by a poke in the cheek. I open my eyes to see that both the kids were awake but weren't crying which was perfect for me, I look down at Toby to see she now had a pacifier in her mouth "Did you get that for Toby?" I question Atty who grinned and nodded his head, happy that I had noticed his big brother act. "That's nice of you Atty" I tell him as I reach over and tickle his bare stomach which made him erupt in a fit of giggles. 

Atticus let me lay in bed for ten more minuets until he demanded we get up and have some breakfast, so after I got dressed with the help of Atticus who wanted to help me chose my outfit we made it into Toby's nursery where I changed her diaper before carrying her downstairs while holding tightly onto Atticus' hand so he wouldn't fall. We make our way into the kitchen where I place Toby into her high chair followed by Atty into his. "Cereal" Atticus tells me as I begin searching for something to prepare, i chuckle and grab out atty's favourite cereal and pour some into a bowl before placing it on the tray in front of him, he doesn't like milk in his cereal so i'm glad he's easy to please.

I walk over to the fridge where I grab out two bottles of milk, a little tub of yogurt and a baby spoon before sitting down in between the kids. "Here baby" I say as i pass Atticus his milk which he happily accepted and had a drink. I smile at him before turning to Toby and feed her the yogurt slowly as she made a giant mess. Once the kids had both finished their breakfast, including their milk I take them both upstairs and into the main bathroom. The bath tub was already set up for the two kids as in there was a little seat in there which keeps Toby upright and a bunch of toys to keep them both entertained. I kneel down on the ground and adjust Toby as I turn the water. "bubbles?" Atticus questions, I turn my head to see he had already undressed himself and was holding onto the bubble bath soap. "not today babe" he let out a groan and put it back as I turn the water off. 

I adjust Toby and place her down on the change mat which was on the ground and undo her body suit and diaper before placing her in her bath seat and then lift Atticus into the bathtub beside her. I let them both play for a little longer before washing them both, including their hair which took a while since they both hate having to stay still and keep their eyes closed. Half an hour later I had everybody dressed for the day and we were heading out the door since we needed some food for the house and the kids needed some new clothes.

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