Chapter 2

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I followed Ashley until she ran towards the boat. I continued to run and ducked behind a small fire pit. Perfect, I thought as I saw that my dark clothing helped me blend into the shadows.

"Sixty!" I heard Owen call. His footsteps sounded closer and closer, calling out along the way, "I see you, Olivia. I see you, Matthew." He continued this until everyone except me and Ashley had been found.

I silently shuffled to the other side of the fire pit as Owen's footsteps stood right in front of it. "I don't remember my fire pit having a leg," he remarked.

I glanced behind me and saw that my leg was sticking out. "Oops," I said, standing up.

Andrew ran up to me and Owen. "Now we only have to find my sister," he said.

"You haven't found Ashley yet?" I asked.

Crystal, who was staring up into a tree, looked over at me. "Do you know where she is hiding?"

"I saw her run towards the boat," I said.

Owen shook his head. "She's not there," he told me. "Hayley was hiding there."

I shrugged. "Let's go find her then." I walked to the playset and climbed on top of the bars. Shakily, I stood up and peered into the darkness that covered Owen's backyard. "I don't see her," I said to myself, inching towards the slide. Then I looked back over by the basketball court. Something moved near the hose. I slid down and ran to the house. Slowly, I sneaked along the side of the house and tripped over something.

"Shh," Ashley whispered. "Go away."

I nodded and tip-toed away from Ashley. I walked over to the play set again and studied the large tree next to it. Owen walked up to me. "Did you find her?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I don't think she is in the tree," I informed him, walking towards the fire pit.

The darkness started to close in on me as I walked to the corner where the brick wall met. Far away from where any light would reach it, I shuddered and quickly ran away.

"Found her!" Owen shouted. He pulled out his flashlight and pointed it at the wall of his house, telling everyone where he was at. I walked towards it and almost ran into Xavior.

"Xavior, watch-" I broke off when I saw that Xavior was on Raphael's back. "What are you two doing?"

Raphael stopped and Xavior slid off. "Why did you stop?" Xavior asked. Raphael bent over and Xavior jumped onto his back.

"I'm not going to walk into the pool," Raphael told him.

"Forward, Raphael!" Xavior shouted, and Raphael walked forward.

I tried not to laugh as I followed my two friends to Owen. "Okay, get off, Xavior," Raphael said, standing up. Xavior slid from his back and fell on his butt into the grass.

"Ow," he said with a smile.

We all laughed and Xavior stood up and dusted the grass off his pants. "Now, I am even more camouflaged," he remarked.

I smiled and shook my head while Ashley walked over to me. "Did you tell Owen where to find me?" she whispered into my ear. Part of her curly brown hair touched my ear as she spoke.
"Nope," I told her.

"Thanks," she whispered back. She walked over to where Crystal and Hayley were standing and they began to whisper among themselves.

I could barely see Owen in the darkness as he spoke, "Good game, everyone." He turned his head slightly towards Ashley. "Ashley, you will be 'it' for this next round."

"Okay," Ashley said.

Owen handed his flashlight to Crystal, who pointed it at him. "Does anyone need to get a drink, something to eat, or use the bathroom before we start the next game?" he asked.

"I need to use the bathroom," Andrew said, and he turned and walked inside.

"I'm going to get something to drink," Hayley told everyone before following Andrew inside.

Raphael elbowed me in the side. "Looks like those two have something going on," he said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes. "Hayley is dating Benny. She wouldn't do that," I replied.

Andrew returned quickly, and rubbed his hands together. "This is going to be fun," he remarked.

The door slid open again, and Hayley walked back out, her brown hair a mess, and her left hand slipped something inside her back pocket.

"Are we ready?" Owen asked.

Are you ready for the games to begin? Could Hayley and Andrew secretly be in alliance? I hope you are enjoying this book and keep watch for the next chapter.


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