Chapter 9

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Andrew began to shake again, and I sat next to him, placing calm hands on his shoulders. "Raphael, Ashley!" Crystal called, and they came around the tree.

Raphael sat across from his friend and tried to get him to take deep breaths, while Ashley sat on his other side. Crystal sat on her other side, and we tried to calm him down.

"You people are ridiculous!" Hayley said, walking over to us.

Andrew began to shake even harder, and I glared fiercely at Hayley. "Can't you see that Owen's death has upset him?"

Hayley looked at Andrew's trembling form and sighed. "You're right," she concluded and took sat down next to Crystal. Raphael inched away from her but remained almost directly in front of Andrew.

"Count to three, Andrew," Raphael instructed.

"One," Andrew began shakily, "two, three." His breathing calmed down, and his shaking seemed to slow, but his eyes were wide and terrified.

"Close your eyes, and think of our dog," Ashley told him.

Andrew closed his eyes, and the shaking calmed down even more, but his eyes flashed open. "It didn't help!" he cried.

"Andrew," I said, "look at me." He did, and I continued, "Now, think of something you really like to do." He nodded but nothing happened. He threw himself back and almost hit his head on the ground. Crystal caught him before he hit it and helped him back up.

"Think of something happy," Crystal told him.

Andrew closed his eyes and began to think of something, but a single tear leaked from his eyes and they shot open. "Nothing works!" The shaking continued to get stronger until he fell against my shoulder. Another tear fell from his eyes.

Crystal stood up and said, "I'll be right back." She whispered something to Hayley before she walked off into the yard.

To everyone's surprise, Hayley stood up and gently pushed Ashley over and sat down next to Andrew, and Raphael followed her. Andrew inched closer to Hayley, and I did the same, while Ashley took a seat in the middle of Raphael and I. The five of us sat in a tight circle, each trying to comfort Andrew. Hayley whispered something to Andrew, but as she spoke, she screamed.

I jumped up, frightened by her scream, and Andrew backed away. Ashley also let out a scream and I glanced at her. My eyes lit up when I saw Raphael resting on Hayley's shoulder.

"Hayley," I started, trying to see what the problem was. But then I saw the red liquid staining both his and Hayley's clothes.

Hayley pushed Raphael off her shoulder and leaped up. Raphael fell to the ground, and Ashley nervously stepped over to him. She rolled him over and I gasped. Raphael was dead. Crystal came racing back. "What happened? I heard screaming," she said as she came over, panting.

I pointed at Raphael, and her eyes opened wide. "How?" she asked.

Andrew glanced at Hayley. "He fell onto Hayley," he told her.

Hayley frowned. "I didn't kill him," she snapped.

Andrew flinched at her sharp tone, and I stepped forward. "Hayley," I said quietly, "his friend was just murdered. Have a little respect."

"Fine," Hayley said, and she looked at Andrew. "Sorry," she apologized, but she lacked any emotion in her voice.

Andrew ignored her and walked over to Raphael's body. I approached him, worried. "I'm can't believe he's dead," he whispered.

I patted his shoulder. "Let's catch the person who did this to him," I told him.

Andrew glanced at me. "Will you go search for clues?" he asked. "I need some time alone."

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