Queen of Hell:3

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                           ¥The Boy¥

I was jolted out of my nap as a nurse brought me a bowl of soup and some honey Mead for the pain. A little annoyed, I quickly scarfed it down and sent her away.

Hmm. I could get used to this. What do you think Serpent? Do you think I could just turn them all into slaves?

Astoroth, what would be the point in that? They're going to be just as physical in Hell.

You're right.

So, are you going to continue your plan or procrastinate some more?

Hearing those words from the Serpent had snapped back the Beast within me. Gods that Serpent knew how to turn me on.

At once, I healed my leg completely. The stitches popping out individually and in order like a zipper. I fully transformed my body into the Beast inside me and I glowed with power.

My body transformed in nearly an instant. Before I knew it, I was nearly 5 stories over the tent I was in. It had been a very long time since I shifted into my beloved creature. If it wasn't for him, I would have to have all of Hell and Satan himself to take over the world with me, but I don't need them. I was now the Dragon of Old.

Soldiers stormed out of their tents with bows and weapons at the ready. My dragon snorted smoke from laughing at the thought of their bravery.

Are you ready to kill some bugs my Queen?

You bet your ass I am.

I start my attack on the closest group to me. Screeching my roar and breathing flames in every direction. The foolish soldiers continue their useless assault with their arrows and the swordsman keep coming at me hoping to strike a weakness.

After 30 minutes of my assault, I had exterminated all humans in this village. Did I regret it? Nope.



There's still a human. Hiding.

I sniff the air and transform back into my human disguise. There is a human alive still. I could hear it's fear.

I followed the sound of the heartbeat. It's frantic beating of dread leading me towards it like a moth to a flame.
A little boy was the cause of this sound and his scream sent me wild.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled furiously at him and he whimpered with a frog stuck in his throat.

"I'm going to give you a choice little boy. If you don't tell me how you'd like to die, I will choose it for you. Simple enough?"

The boys eyes go wide in complete shock, "W-what?!"

"Tell me how you want to die or I'll choose your death for you." I state calmly once again.

"B-but I-I don't want to die." He choked out.

"I'm not giving you a choice of life and death here boy. I'm giving you choices of death only. Now choose. I'm getting bored."

The boy shakes his head profusely.

"No! I don't want to die. I won't!"

The boy took off away from me. I laughed at his attempt at escape. It was cute and an all too familiar reaction with these pests. They never realize what they're really messing with until they're dead.

The boy had already made it out a quarter of a mile when I was admiring his determination to live, but it only took me two seconds to grab him and bring him back to his starting point.

"Wha-what are you?!"

I smiled with joy at his gloomy realization.

"I'm the most dangerous predator in all of existence my child, and I love killing my prey. So, don't take it personally."

I laugh and I paralyze the young boy from fighting back. I didn't think he could look more terrified, but sure enough now he was screaming bloody murder and I hadn't even touched him yet. Yes, I was going to enjoy this better than I enjoyed sex.

I ripped off the boys clothes. Thinking about what method of torture I could do to him before I kill him. My Beast enjoys inflicting excruciating pain before a kill and it makes the blood all the more sweet.

Skin him my Queen. Then cut off that little penis of his and shove it down his throat. After that, stake him on a pole-asshole to mouth. If he is still alive through all of that, use a sword and hack his limbs off.

Very well. I will kill how you'd like me to. How do I feast on his blood afterwards though?

Just bite into whatever is left.

"Alright boy, I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news is, since you ran away and didn't tell me how you'd want to die, you're now going to suffer. A lot. Good news is, no one has been killed so horrendously by me yet, so you should feel honored. So, are you ready?"

"Fuck you." The little boy gritted out.

"Oh well don't you have a dirty mouth. Don't worry, I have something to help with that."

Without giving him the chance to respond, I sow his mouth completely shut. The look of shock and terror made me laugh so hard I almost pissed myself. Blood was running slowly down his chin and onto his neck. I tasted it with my bare tounge.
Not enough pain.

"Now stay still. This will only hurt a little." I chuckled.

A knife manifested in my hand and I didn't skip any time in skinning his whole body head to toe. With my speed, I was able to do it in a minute. His nearly silent screams sent more laughter out of my body in years. This was the funniest way I had killed someone and it was even better killing a child.

Rape him my Queen and cut his dick off.

I listened to the Serpent within me and I hopped onto the kids dick. Enjoying my nastiness. He had to be at least in his early teens. Maybe twelve. It was a pretty good five inches. As soon as he was about to cum, I took the knife and mutilated his dick off. Along with his balls.

Blood was going everywhere now and I had at least one last thing to do before I could feed.

"This isn't where I stop and let you bleed out. No, I have one more thing left to do and if you somehow survive even this, then the last one will be it for you. No time to spare now." I giggle in excitement.

I take a spear from a nearby dead soldier and I thrust the tip into the boys ass. Before I send it completely through his body, I rape him repeatedly with it. Going deeper and deeper. He screams so loud, the stitches in his mouth pop open and I orgasm at the sound of his suffering. Eventually I get the tip of the spear through his mouth and a human would assume he was dead, but thankfully to my lucky ears, he wasn't. His heart was still somehow beating and so I laid back for a few minutes enjoying the scene and his gasping for air. It was truly remarkable.

Are you ready to feed now?


I grab a nearby battle axe and start hacking his fingers and toes, then his hands and feet and finally his arms and legs. I drank from all four sources of limbs like four rivers of blood. This was honestly, the most sweetest blood I've ever had.

Don't get addicted my Queen. Not all of your kills will be this sweet.

I know. It's just so damn rewarding.

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