Chapter 1 Call Of A Demon

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'Guess' - Thoughts
"Who's" - Speech
"Back!" - Demon

Shameless Plug:

~ I Guess I Couldn't Stay Away ~

It was just another day. Another monotonous day that Izuku would have to bear with.

Rising from his bed, he rubbed his eyes to wake himself. With a yawn, he stretched out, letting the bones holding his scrawny body stretch and loosen up. Then, with a satisfied smile, he left his room and entered the bathroom to get ready for his day.

Brushing his teeth, he had heard the sound of someone rising from bed and dismissed it, believing it was his mother. After he was done with his oral hygiene, he washed his face and looked in the mirror. But he didn't like what he saw.

At first, he saw his reflection. A scrawny teenage boy with freckles and the most peculiar green eyes and hair. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary at first. Given a few seconds, the reflection on the mirror started to ripple and change its form entirely.

Now, there was a woman. A woman with horns attached to her forehead that broke apart her messily arranged red hair. Apart from the heart-like shape of her face and her amber eyes, there was nothing more Izuku could see. Yet this hadn't even startled him.

"Child, accept my power." The woman said. Though to Izuku, it had seemed more like an order.

He didn't answer her. He looked at the reflection with a blank stare. "Is it the same deal as last time?" He slightly stuttered the question out though that seemed to be expected from the woman.

"Of course," she began, a smirk ever-present on her tanned face. "I will give you power and you will be my vessel. Nothing more, I promise."

"No." He answered firmly, clenching his fists unknowingly. "I will not be your puppet," he mumbled, barely audible to anyone but himself.

"Do you not want to be a hero? It will only be possible with power and I am offering you that very power." She asked, trying to convince the freckled child with a more convincing offer to him.

"I will be a hero." He said, his hands trembling as he spoke. "But not with your power!" He shouted at the mirror, only to see her reflection had vanished away. Now, he could only see himself in the mirror. Grabbing onto the sides of the sink, he dipped his head down and stared down at his scrawny body. "I will be a hero. No matter what."

All of a sudden, someone had knocked on the door, making Izuku jump slightly and look toward the sound. "Izuku, are you okay in there? I heard you shouting." It was just a concerned Inko. That was all it was.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He stuttered out, turning back to the mirror. "I'm... okay." He said again, looking at his reflection carefully.

"Well, if you need anything, I'm always here for you," Inko replied before heading off into the kitchen.

"Thanks," he mumbled before washing his face once more.

Continuing along with his morning, he took a brisk shower before adorning his school uniform. Satisfied with his appearance, he entered the kitchen and shared a small conversation with Inko over breakfast.

When both of them were done eating, Izuku had slipped away to get his bag while Inko loaded up the dishwasher. By the time Izuku had gotten everything he needed for school, he rushed toward the door and tied on his red shoes. Once those were secured onto his feet, he reached the door, only to be stopped by Inko's voice.

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