Rainy Naps

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The pitter patter of rain from outside made a rhythm close to music. And along with it was a melody of humming that came from Eleonora's lips. On her bed, she laid on her side perching her head up with her hand looking at a sleeping Edoardo below her. With her other hand she massaged the boy's scalp pushing back his curls, and then pressing them down to see them bounce back up again. From his hair she traced her finger down his nose and then across his lips. But she recoiled her hand when a soft murmur came from him. This of course only upset Edoardo as he drowsily grabbed her hand and continued stroking his curls with it.

"Wow, so needy." Eleonora whispered. With that his puppy dog brown eyes opened to look up at her.

"What can I say," he started, "I'm obsessed with your touch..." Ele automatically rolled her eyes at this comment, and flipped around to look out at the falling rain. "Heyyyy, ele," said Edoardo now awake with a whiny tone. "I thought you loved my ingenious and intensely poetic words." She could hear the smirk on his face.

"Ahh, yes." Started Eleonora. "Excuse my chilly response, but you see your clicheness was becoming to much to bear. And your curls. Oh they're simply to holy for me to continue witnessing." She now flipped back around grabbing Edoardo's shoulders. "Please forgive me, Eduardo!" She said in a dramatic half sob followed by a giggle.

Without hesitation Edo grabbed her by the waist and pushed Ele into the mattress, semi pinning her. "That's not my name ms tricky pants" he said with his iconic smile taking over his face. The moment pursued with Eleonora tazoring him in the side. And after about 10 minutes of exhausting tickling and rolling around, Eleonora found her self straddling Edoardo who laid against the backboard with his hands crossed behind his head. Both out of breath. But their silence was broken by a sudden boom of thunder. Taken by surprise Edo let out a small squeal. Eleonora was now in laughter town again as she never thought she would live to hear that sound come from his mouth.

"Uh, not a word, ok, I was just surprised..." he stuttered.

"Oh no, Edoardo Incanti, this is going to be a whole radio segment!" Ele exclaimed back. Edoardo then pursued by taking a pillow and stuffing his head under it and flailing his legs to throw the perfect tantrum.

"Oh no, my poor baby, shhh ms. Ele will keep this a secret." Giggled Eleonora. She then began to rub the boy's back as he had flipped around onto his stomach. Straddling his back, Ele drew designs with her fingers, tracing his defined shoulders and spine.

After a bit, Eleonora grew sleepy and made her way off the boy pulling the sheets over them as she did. Instinctively, Edoardo then pulled her waist into him. Ele understood the movement and conformed herself to his body with her head resting against his heart. Now two sounds sang, the falling rain, and his beating heart. Edoardo, only in his boxers, wrapped a warm leg around Ele, making her sigh in satisfaction.

"You won't actually make a radio segment about my squeal, right?" He suddenly spoke.

"No." Eleonora smiled. She then reached her head up to give him a quick kiss. But it lasted much longer then a second as Edoardo cupped her face taking in every bit of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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