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Jimin walked out of the court house completely pissed, how can Yoongi even think of taking his child. "Appa can we go see papa now?" Jooheon asked as they walked out of the court house, just as Jimin was about to answer a very unhappy voice chimed in. "Papa? Who the hell is this papa? Are you trying to replace me Jimin!?!" Yoongi asked in a loud voice, Jimin only rolled his eyes as he turned around to face the older. "I didn't tell him anything or have tried to do anything that can effect his feelings for you, I was just as surprised when he called Jungkook papa this morning. He probably thinks of him as his father because Jungkook has treated him like his own son more than you have" Jimin informed as he began to walk hand in hand with his kid towards Jungkook's car, Jimin placed Jooheon in his car seat that Jungkook had bought recently for Jooheon who immediately loved it.

Just as Jimin closed the door he was immediately met by a furious Yoongi. "I will not let that punk take my place in my child's life Jimin, I will have full custody of Jooheon and I will make sure he will never see him. Enjoy this week because he will be with me after Wednesday" Jimin had been holding his anger and he wanted to drop Yoongi to the ground so much but he held back not wanting his kid to witness any violence between his parents. "No matter what Jungkook can't take your place in Jooheon's life, as much as I wish he was the one who impregnated me it can't be changed that you were the one who did. The only thing that Jungkook does is fill in the space that you left empty, in the five years that Jooheon has been alive you have hardly shown him what a father is, Jungkook is not your replacement Yoongi because he actually has a bond with our kid and although he may not be the real father he still treats him as if he was his actual son." Yoongi was boiling he hated the words that spilled out of the smaller' mouth, moments later he felt a small hand on his shoulder he looked into the Jimin's eyes only to see them hold a strong dark feeling. "Once I have full custody I'll make sure their bond strengthens" with that said Jimin enters the drivers seat and starts the car and he makes his way towards his now considered home.

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