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It's been a couple of days since Jooheon had to stay with Yoongi, it was Tuesday  meaning that tomorrow was the day they finally see Jooheon again. Jimin and Jungkook felt like they had a piece of themselves gone, Jungkook's boss had to move him to work with older kids by court order, so he barely was able to see Jooheon. Practices felt different for everyone when the little boy wasn't there to correct the elders footwork, or hand everyone a water bottle. It was surprising how the child had become such a big part of everyone's day.

Practice was cut short since the next day was the finals and they needed rest. It was probably the worst day they could have the competition because the outcome of the custody would effect their emotions greatly. Everyone seemed so different and it was noticeable.

Now the boys were inside the court house waiting for the judge to show and tell them his decision. Yoongi and Jooheon haven't arrived yet either cause Jimin and Jungkook to be anxious. Moments later the sound of a door opening caused everyone to look up and saw the judge make way to his sit. Once the man looked up he smiled slightly but when he noticed that two important people were missing he frown.

With a sigh leaving his mouth he lied back into the chair, "we will wait 5 minutes in hopes that Mr.Min shows up with Min Jooheon." 5 minutes past and then another 5 minutes and there was still no Yoongi or Jooheon. Jungkook and others cursed under their breaths, and Jimin can swear he heard a few unprofessional words leave the judges mouth.

25 minutes had past before the main doors flew open and a small child ran in. Jimin and Jungkook both kneeled down in time to catch the happy child in their arms. "Sorry we're late, we stopped for a treat on our way here and we're stuck in traffic" Jimin could hear his ex-husband say. Jimin and probably everyone else knew he was lying since it is only 11:45 in the morning. The judge rolled his eyes and ordered both parents to stand in front.

Jungkook took Jooheon with him to his seat were he was immediately smothered with love from the others.

"Now that we have everyone here...we can begin. I gave thought to the situation and came up with a decision" the judge looked towards Yoongi cause him to send a small smirk to the younger. Jimin began to shake internally. "But when I spoke with a certain person it came to my attention that I could affect an innocent life, so I decided to let little Jooheon decided who he wants to stay with" eyes became wide at the decision the judge made. Jungkook was worried that the child would choose to stay with his father and not Jimin and him.

"Jooheon please come in front" the judge called out, Jooheon looked towards Jungkook confused as to why he was being called. Jungkook told him to go up but he made no movement to let go of his big hand, with no choice Jungkook stood up and picked to child up and walked in front. Jungkook saw Yoongi's glare given to him but gave no effort to retaliate.

Once in front Jungkook placed the boy on the ground and moved to walk back to his seat but was stopped by a small voice. "Don't leave me please" Jungkook turned to Jooheon and saw his small eyes shine. Jungkook looked towards the judge who gave him a small nod, Jungkook moved to stand beside Jooheon who immediately grabbed his hand once again.

"Alright Min Jooheon who to you want to live with?" The judge asked. Immediately Jooheon answered as if he had rehearsed it for days.

"I want to live with appa" the child said proudly and happily.

Jimin and Jungkook felt their hearts drop, their world froze right in front of them. Jungkook couldn't move tears immediately flowed out of his brown eyes and down his cheeks. Jimin turned to face Yoongi who smiled back at him, Jimin couldn't stop his own tears to flow down also.

"Min Jooheon has decided to stay with his Appa, you can go to him now Jooheon" the judge announced.

Jungkook felt the small hand leave his own, he turned to walk back wanting to leave this painful feeling behind.

"Appa you're walking to fast" Jungkook heard Jooheon's voice call out but didn't want to turn since he didn't want to see the child he grew to love walk away. "Appa wait!" Jooheon voice grew louder. "Jungkook turn around for fuck sakes!" Jin yelled out, the younger looked towards the eldest and saw the others smile towards him. He turned to look at Jimin confused but saw the elder smile with his tears eyes, Jungkook followed the elders gaze and turned around only to gasp lowly.

Right in front of him he saw the child looking up at him with his small eyes. Jungkook wasted no time to pick the child up and hold him tightly as he cried, Jimin quickly joined in wrapping his arms around to both of them.

"Excuse me that's my child, and as I said before you will not be able to see him Jungkook" Yoongi said as he walked in front of the three. "Jooheon choose to stay with his Appa Yoongi, and he considers Jungkook to be his appa" Jimin corrects. "Mr.Park is correct Mr.Min Jooheon chose the person he believes is his father, if you feel that is unfair we can have him decide between to two of you" the judge suggest.

Yoongi immediately decided to the suggestion and stood next to Jungkook. Jimin grabbed Jooheon from Jungkook's hold causing both of them to pout, Jimin and even the judge couldn't help but smile at it.

"Ok Jooheon for the second and final time today can you please choose who you want to stay with" the judge asked once Jooheon was placed down. Immediately Jooheon ran towards Jungkook and hugged his legs.

Smiles were displayed everywhere except for one person, smile couldn't help send a smirk towards his ex-husband. Jungkook walked towards Yoongi and gave him a smile. "Don't think you'll ever be his father because you're not" Yoongi spat. Jungkook smiled as he looked towards the child in his arms then to the elder, "I know I'm not his father...because you are" Jungkook placed the child on the ground who immediately ran towards Jimin who was talking with Taehyung. "I may not be his real father but I will love and care for him as if he is my own blood" Jungkook stared directly into Yoongi's eye, "we're not going to keep you from seeing him because he is your son but now he is also mine. Hopefully we'll get along in the future for Joonies sake, Goodbye Min Yoongi" Jungkook turned around and left the elder standing there with his head down.

Jungkook made his way to his friends who were now crushing jooheon in a group hug, laughing at the sight he quickly joined them.

"Thank you Taehyung for winning the case" Jimin thanked the younger as he stared at the touching site of the others holding his son. "I'll pay you by the weekend-" Taehyung quickly stopped the shorter, "after what I did to you think of it as an apology, just....please forgive me" Jimin could hear the desperation in the younger's voice and it pulled on his heart.

"I forgive you Taehyung" Jimin whispered out.

A smile slowly made its way up taehyung's face and quickly embraced the shorter. Taehyung knew that although he was forgiven he had to work on gaining the trust the elder had on him back, he knew it would take a while for them to be back to were they once were but their friendship was worth it to them.

The day was all good news for everyone, Jooheon chose to stay and the group won the finals. It was the best day for Jungkook who was looking around his living staring at the sleeping figures on the ground, and soon enough his eyes stopped on the two figures sleeping on top of him. His eye held so much love and happiness when he stared at them and anyone can see it, he finally felt like he found his true home..."My Forever Home"

                                                                               ~~The End~~

A/N: Its finally done....after so much time I finally finished it and I tried to make it longer so hopefully you guys like it. I wish I could've had more time to look it over but I think when I finally settle down in my new home I'll try to revisit it. If you guys don't like it or believe I shouldn't erase something feel free to comment because I will return to edit it in the future. I have been trying to edits my past books but moving has been very hard and it's even more difficult since I'm in school also and it's my last year. I've decided that I won't be publishing any new books anytime soon and we'll be focusing on editing my old ones. Once I'm done with that I'll probably publish only oneshots instead of a long term stories for a while. Anyways goodbye for now lovelies👋🖤

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