Happy Birthday

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They successfully reattached Peas limbs the next day. Everyone was either out of breath or scared.

"Everyone, lets leave the room because its time for dinner."

Ilieum said tiredly, eveyone nods and heads out. The only ones left  are Peacock and Marie. Marie was stroking Pea's hair when she slowly woke up.

"Yes Patricia?"

Peacock opens a hole and out comes a little navy box with silver lining and weakly hands it to her.

"I wanted to give you this a long time ago. But couldn't cause we got separated."

Marie opens the box. Theres a gold ring with a green gem and on the inside of the ring in script writing is "Shining Sun." Marie tears already knowing what the ring was for.

"Happy birthday love."

Peacock says tiredly. Marie starts sobbing and pulls pea into a slight hug.

"Ive missed you so much!"

Marie says while crying, a tear slides down her face and onto Peacocks face and down her cheek.

"Ive missed you infinitely."

Peacock says while dosing off. Marie pecks her forehead and continues stroking her hair until she falls asleep. After Peacock is asleep, she puts the ring on her left hand in the ring finger, and it slides on perfectly. Marie smiles at it and goes back to stroking her hair.

"I love you so much!"

Marie says happily. She decides that shes also tired and slides in next to Peacock, cuddling into her back and sleeps.

Suddenly Peacock wakes up from a nightmare, but was too tired to spring up and scream, she felt something cool hug her from behind and smiles, knowing exactly who is causing that.

"Hey Marie."

Pea whispers. Marie slowly wakes up.

"...yes Patricia?"

Marie slowly sits up, and so does Peacock.

"Lets take you shopping, and get you outta those maid clothes."

Marie smiles brightly and nods.
Peacock slides out of bed and looks at the time.

"3pm? We've got loads of time!"

Pea says with a smile, she then goes and gets ready for the day. She comes back into the infirmary and sees Marie is also ready.

"Lets go!"

Pea excitedly exclaims, while linking her arm with Maries. They quietly exit the lab and use Peas car to ride into New Meridian. Once there, they buy lots of clothes for themselves, marie wanted to change at the moment. After purchasing, she goes into the changing room and changes.

Shes wearing a beautiful blue dress with an open back and flows out ending at her ankles, and has a small skull on the middle of her chest with a shimmering piece that covers her shoulders, and white kitten heels has a white strap at her ankles. She also has a pearl necklace and pearl bracelets, along with two feather like accessories holding her pigtails up.

"H-how do i look?"

Marie asked, a bit scared of the response. Peas face was pink and her argus eyes had hearts.

"Ya look beautiful Marie."

Pea says with a crooked smile and half lidded eyes. Maries face flushed blue.

"T-thank you!"

She goes and sits next to pea. Pea stands up.

"My turn!"

Peacock comes out with a white button down, a black tailcoat with red buttons on the back, dark gray pants, and some black and white shoes with black buttons along the side some black on the front and black on the heel and start her knee. She also has white cuffs with red buttons, and a bit of red on her gloves. And finally, her red bow tie and black top with a red ribbon.

She struts out with a wink towards Marie.

"Whaddya think doll?~"

Marie flares up at the sight

"Y-you look amazing!"

Peacock laughs at her reaction. She walks up to Marie with her arm out, and Marie links their arms and they head out onto the streets.

"Where would you like to go?"

Pea asks. Marie looks around while pondering, and points to a fancy restaurant.


Marie looks back at Pea and finds her staring.


Marie asks, a bit flushed.


Pea answered, catching herself.

"What are you staring at?"

Marie asks while looking around.


Pea answers with a bright smile, causing Marie to burn up and smile back.

"Lets go Patricia."

Marie says with a giggle. They begin to walk to their destination. They get there and sit down, after a few minutes they order what they want and talk amongst themselves,  laughing and smiling all the way. Once they were done they left and made their way to a show and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

All through the afternoon they had done fun activities and Pea brought her many things, by the time they looked it was night. They went to one more restaurant for dinner and once they were done, they were walking down the street laughing and talking about the days events.

"I have one more place to show you!"

Peacock says eagerly. Marie follows curiously. Pea and Marie get into her toon car and drive far away from new meridian, canopy kingdom, and maple crest. Pea stops once they reach a hill, containing a field of flowers, full of every color.

Surrounded by trees, are flowers and in the middle a slight hill is there surrounded by a small molt of water, with stones in them. Pea takes off her shoes, tail coat and hat, while marie takes her shoes off also and lets her hair loose. Pea gives her a quick peck on the lips, and chuckles when Marie flares up again.

Pea leads her onto the hill in the middle and they both lay down on the grass while giggling. They lay side by side, staring at the stars and continue to converse, laugh and smile all the while. Marie was laying on Peas chest dozing off, while Pea had her right hand under her head and her left arm over Marie.

They both had gone quiet, simply enjoying each others presence. Marie closes her eyes, and slowly falls asleep. She was still awake when she heard those words from the one person she loved the most in this world.

"I love you to the moon and back Marie."

She fell asleep happy.

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