So I watched my first scary movie recently I'm re-watching it right now because I like it that much. There's one scene that really bothers me. Let me explain this one conversation one convercation drives me nuts: the mom is talking to her friend about how her daughter might have been smoking and then she says this "it's not the smoking that bothers me is that she doesn't listen to me anymore" yes because a twelve-year-old smoking is perfectly fine and shouldn't bother you at all woman (note: she wasn't actually smoking her friend smokes and she asked her to hold her cigarette for a second and she got caught by the teacher holding the cigarette and the teacher thought it was hers) oh but but I am not even done!!! Buckle up! I'm not even close to finishing this complain yet!! I mean it's not the smoking that bothers me because you know I grew up around smokers so smoking just doesn't bother me it's the fact that the mother isn't Disturbed that her 12 year old daughter might be smoking that is way too young! She is not even a teen yet!!! I mean I get doing drugs and smoking when you're a teenager at least that makes more sense than a 12 year old doing something like that you know?
Now I want you guys to know I'm not bothered by smoking I know it's bad but I grew up around smokers so I'm just used to smokers so it's not the smoking is the fact that she's underaged that bothers me about this I mean I would get it if maybe she was an adult or at least a teenager but she's still technically a child that's what really irks me.
What do you think do you think I'm right wrong you think I'm thinking too hard about it or you think I'm just complaining over something stupid?
Rant book
Randomsometimes I just need to rant and nobody wants to listen to me complain so I'm going to make it public and hope this somebody wants to freaking listen to me if you want we can even discuss it in the comments and you may share your thoughts on my ran...