Ryo (Devilman Crybaby) X Angel! Intersex! Male! Reader (Fluffish)

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Art by nekuropii on Tumblr

Requested by Anime6fanfreak

[A/n: Okay, so it was a tie between Dick Grayson (bae) and Tachibana Makoto (also bae) and here I am posting neither of them! Wow, I'm a mess and really bad at picking between ties, so a request wins! Friday will be someone voted on and maybe I can grow some balls and choose between them, and Monday will be Makoto from Danganronpa because it's been two weeks and I don't like requests chilling in the voters poll for 700 years before they get enough votes. ANYWAYS, about this chapter: I'm not intersex, so for any of those of you beautiful people that are and feel as if this is offensive or that I do something wrong in the chapter let me know and I will fix it. Also, this chapter is a little cannon divergent, instead of Ryo finding out later that he's Lucifer in this one-shot he's always known. Thank you and enjoy!]

(Y/n)-Your name, because it's time to do another P.O.V other than 'you' and 'I' in this book and I've avoided it long enough.

The fall was a lot easier than what they expected and to be honest so far it didn't feel like a punishment. But then again, this was Ryo's punishment, not his. No, he was just dragged down here with his ex-mate that God had just unassigned him to and is now stuck on Earth. Ryo kind of went against what God wanted--okay, so not kind of but majorly--and was kicked out. Ryo's mate, (Y/n), was reassigned to another mate in order to successfully be able to produce more angels, but Ryo dragged (Y/n) down with him in a vain attempt to have comfort in his abandonment.

Angel's can't truly love, at least not in heaven. Their love is less pure than that, they rather mate for the purposes of giving God more Angels in heaven than to effectively adore their mate. Eventually, after a couple of millennia, the mated Angels fall in love-love but it's usually a rarity for their bond to be considered what the humans consider love. As their eternal and only need to reproduce eternally and Humans are but a blip in time.

So, (Y/n) and Ryo found themselves doing their best to blend into society and have been so far doing well. Cities have been built and destroyed, civilizations created and burned out, war after war of one race against its own but never calling it a civil war due to "opposing countries" as if justifying killing and ensuring the extinction of one another makes it any better.

After everything they've been through together, Ryo now finds himself and his mate living in a well funded home, his demonic caretakers always by his side and taking care of him as he sat bored on his couch waiting for his mate to come home from a rave that he was invited to by some human friends that he acquired while working part-time at some hole in the wall.

(Y/n) is not very well equipped with emotions, but loves to enact on the emotions that humans display as well as partaking in human parties, or "prides" as he remembers they once called it. He tries to mimic the way humans dance and have fun, though it has never really brought him any closer to anything other than figuring out where he stood in his intersex spectrum. Blessed with both sex genitalia, to make angel mating easier, was a sudden burden when (Y/n) was sent down to Earth. He felt like he had to belong to some side of the spectrum and seemed to rather ignore his feminine parts and slowly was able to transform his human skin to fit that of a male, tall in stature and lanky as he preferred the look of thin rather than thick. Like, he'd rather thick thighs and taught muscles to wrap around him, than him wrapping around them... if he had any say in the matter.

Between (Y/n) and Ryo they constantly battled for dominance in the relationship but stuck with the fact that either party could play any part in the relationship. Even if (Y/n) liked playing the dominant more often than he cared for submissive. Over the years (Y/n) found himself falling more and more if that was possible for an already fallen angel. He enjoyed going to the raves that he was currently at, he found that the sex that the humans had while inhibited seemed at a much higher level than that of what he and Ryo would have time and time again. He even tried once to have sex as the humans have, but he convinced himself by now that it didn't work. He even tried having sex with humans (with Ryo's curious consent), and producing half-Angels wouldn't necessarily be against the grain, but they all meant nothing and he didn't feel as if they did anything for him. The only sex that mattered was the sex with him mate, Ryo.

Male! Character X Male! Reader One-shots (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now