Prologue: Death

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Hello world. You might not know me, but I know all of you. I can see all of your cinematic record and everyone's who has ever walked on earth. I am as old as the first modern human every existed, but he has died, and I have lived. Ha, living is not a word suitable to use on me, for I am death itself. I am the one who formed an alliance with both God and Devil, therefore making shinigamis came to be known as neutral beings. The division of souls between heaven and hell was a mess until I came to be. It has been about 199 centuries since then. And now I am still in charge of all shinigamis on earth, which numbers to about ten million. Oh and did I mention, I am the only one who has the power to turn humans who have died to shinigami if I deem them worthy.

After all this introduction, you sexist human probably think that I am a male, but you are wrong. I am a female shinigami. All shinigamis have heard of me, but few has actually seen me and know me. But one shinigami in particular, Alex Whitfield, knows me better than everyone. He is a relatively young shinigami compare to me, but he is amongst my favorites.

I have two death scythes. One is a normal one I got from the Dispatch which looks like bow and arrows. The other one is the original death scythe I got when I was born. It is the shape of a tradition scythe, but instead of the normal death scythe material, it is made out of black flames. It is taller than me when I hold it up. I can control the black flames that comes out of the scythe. Only I can wield it, if any other beings touch it without my permission, they would be burned to ashes in an instant. The reason why I got a normal scythe is because I don't want to accidentally burn people to ash. Also if I get that scythe out everyone would recognize it and know that I am Death. Other than my scythe, another way to recognize me is that I don't need glasses to see although I am a shinigami. My eyes glow green and yellow like all shinigamis, only that mine glow stronger than everyone else's. I have long jet black hair that reaches my waist. I have skin as pale as snow. I normally wear glasses to blend in, they have black frames and dark purple arms. When I travel, I normally wear a black cloak over my clothes. The clothes I wear are also normally black themed.

For years and years I have reviewed souls and watch over the shinigami realms, I do get a bit bored sometimes. And when I do, I go to the dispatch and pretend to be a new shinigami. It is a change of pace for me to be able to go around without being treated like a saint. I have done so a couple times before, it is quite amusing seeing their faces when they realize that I am Death. It has been twelve decades since I have done that, maybe I should do that sometimes soon. What division should I go to?Yes, let's go to the Dispatch Management Division this time.

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