Chapter 2: 'Born On A Different Cloud'

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| Any resemble to reality is just coincidence | 

I never believed in karma, in fact i always tough that was something humans created just for not facing up the fact that they did something wrong, or their actions were stupid. Until today. Here i am, sitting in my bed with a cup of cold old coffee, reading a book 'The art of getting by', while all my friends are in a famous club of London probably getting drunk and celebrating the fact that Summer is just starting, i was going to be there, but i felt like it was Liam's time to take back Danielle, and if she didn't accepted, well maybe i could take her. This was the karma for what i did to a young teacher a couple of hours before, i was alone. Just like her, Karma wanted to make me feel like she feels every day, alone. And god, it was working, for once in my life i started to question myself why i spend so much time watching and analyzing people when my mind is pretty fucked up, and tonight i was having a little bit of what i deserve. Isn't this stupid? I mean, how Karma works. When you think everything is cool, and everything will be ok, for at least once, BAM! Karma hits right in your balls so you don't have to feel of that way again, is like a clock always reminding you that you did something really wrong, and you'll have to feel pretty bad about it. It's happening to me right now. Maybe the 'Extra Points' thing was a bad idea, maybe at the end of the night she has someone waiting in home, like a child or her own dog. Look at me now, reading a fucking book i truly hate, but it's better reading this, than imagine all the things that my friends are doing without me. I'm so stupid. 

I realized my life has come to a point when i get bored at everything, every little thing in my life screams for something more exiting, i hate myself for thinking of that way, it's not like the end of the world by staying at home one night, which is really weird on my persona. Why this kind of toughs come to my mind when no one is around me? Why? My mom always said i was different, but she never warned me i was going to deal with all this diversity of toughs. Sometimes i wished i could be like Liam, he always knows what to do, what to say or even how to say it. I'm just an awkward boy, all the time. By the time my mind came to the conclusion i always been this weird, my fingers were already on the phone, texting to Liam, asking him for the direction of the club, i checked on the clock i have on my wall, it was 3:40 am, was late by now, Damn! How do i spend so much time thinking only shit? Isn't that supposed to happen to the people with mental problems? Again, it seems no. 

While i was waiting for Liam text, i got into the shower, hoping that my mind didn't wanted to bring all that shit back to me, and started to make me question about if i should hang out, i think i'm over that for now.  Ten minutes later, -So much time for a god damn direction if you ask me- Liam's number lighted the screen, of course it was a message, he was possibly too drunk to make a call, or even take the phone on his own hands. 

'We're not at the club now, we're going to the Restaurant i'll give you the direction' 

That wasn't Liam clearly, maybe someone else took his phone and texted me for being nice, now the question is, what kind of restaurant opens at this hour? The answer came right after i asked myself, 'Cause maybe not everyone is available to pay everything and some people work 24/7' Yeah, that kind of shit comes to me when i less expect it, great. I changed my clothes, because i was dressed for a club not for a restaurant, locked my room, and then ran out the Uni, just to leave behind all the kind of dirty things i have done there. 


Cher's voice made me jump for a second. 

'HARRRRREEEEH!' She almost yelled from across the restaurant's parking. I turned back, all my friends were following her, except Liam and Danielle, oh well why i wasn't shocked? I bet this time they got 'stucked' in the car or somewhere else, god Liam and his high ego. Not even surprising at all, there she was with a big smile and a kind of drunk voice, i was expecting everyone drunk, not even being aviable to walk or talk, i was wrong, everyone seemed normal except for their voices, and obviously their clothes. 'You're here! Why you weren't at the club?' She asked giving me a big hug as i smiled her. I would tell Cher about all my existential problems but it wasn't the time to tell her when she smelled like Vodka and a little of someone's else clothes.  

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