Chapter 30

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Celestial's POV*

After I stabbed the flower into my eye it's been hurting even more than usual, and Uzuki and Kesachi have been missing for two days. With no traces if them, the search goes on. Me and Blake are partners in this search. We looked in and out of the ocean with no signs of them. I decided to look deep in the ocean. So I put on a bathing suit and dove in. I could hold my breath for a minute since I swim pretty often and compete sometimes. I was underwater when I saw a huge wave coming towards me. I tried to swim away but the wave swallowed me. I was running out of breath. I was being sucked down to a whirl pool. I blacked out from no air. 'Is this it?' I thought as I was passed out, 'Am I going to die?'

I wake up coughing up water. I open my eyes and my eyes adjust. "B-Blake?" I say looking aorund for him. This place was red and there was fire and lava everywhere. "Where-" "Celestial!" I hear a voice shout. I turn around, "Blake!" I say surprised. He runs to me and knees next to me. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah....yeah I'm fine. Just....a bit tired." I said rubbing my forehead from a big headache. "If you need to rest than we can wait a bit." He says feeling my head I guess from a fever. (She was in freezing water in the ocean.) "You have a fever." He said. "I'll be fine. But where are we?" I ask. "My guess is, this is the Hell's Queen Kingdom. Or queendom. This is where the Hell Guardian, or Uzuki, should be. The other place is the middle point." He said looking around. "Where's my kingdom?" I ask tilting my head a bit. "I dunno. Every time there's a new Guardian there's a new kingdom." He explains in a monotone voice. "Oh" there was a moment of silence. "Shall we go?" He asks standing up than offering his hand. "Sure." And were off.

It was hours later, and I'm forced to hold on to Blake in order to walk do to my fever worsening. "Do you want to rest?" Blake says. "No," I breath heavy as I speak, "no I-I'm fine." "No your not!" He says. I ignore him and continue to walk. Soon enough we ran into a huge kingdom. We walk up to it and walk in. "Hello? Anyone here?" Blake calls. I see missed shaped monsters appear with weapons pointing at us. "Calm down. I'm one of the agents to protect our Guardians. Where is Uzuki?" Blake explains. They put their weapons down and lead us to the nurse, me still trying hard to walk. I feel Blake's worried eyes on me, but I ignore it. We walk into an infirmary. I see Kesachi laying on a bed without a shirt, with a hole in his arm. Uzuki is crying next to him. "Uzuki!" I say as loud as I could. (which isn't loud since I'm sick.)

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