The next day

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        "Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames wake uuuuuuuup!!!!!" Sirius groaned shaking him.

       "THERES A QUIDDITCH GAME!" He shouted.

       "MY EARS!" Screamed Remus from his bed, his hearing extra extra sensitive this close to the moon.

       James awoke with a start, "quidditch game?! I forgot about the game!" He said getting up and out of bed and running towards the bathroom with his change of clothes and towel, regulas was the last thing on his mind at the time.

       If only he had remembered that the game was against slytherin?

       He ran out of the bathroom after five minutes a toothbrush in his mouth as he pulled his shoes on.

     "My mmmoooom?!" he mumbled to them, tooth brush still in his mouth as he frantically looked for his broom. "Meres my mooom?!"

      "Your what?" Asked a sleepy Peter.

      James took his toothbrush out of his mouth and spit out the toothpaste tossing his toothbrush backwards.

     "My broom you dolt!" He said earning an "ohhhh" all around.

    "Probably at the quidditch pitch. And your cleaning that off the floor right?" Said Remus.

     James grabbed his wand and cleaned the toothpaste he had spit out off the floor. "There! I'll see you down at the pitch in ten! Bring me some bacon!" He shouted as he ran off with one shoe.

     "Who's gunna tell him 'bout the missing shoe?" Sirius asked and Peter and remus automatically went "not it!"

     "Damn it!" Sirius shouted and the others laughed.

      James made it to the quidditch pitch and stumbled into what he thought was the Gryffindor boys locker room.

     "Here! I'm here! I am here! Is my broom here too?" He said and looked around to see no gryffindors but a good amount of slytherin.

      "........well fuck me." He muttered.

Authors note: well that just happened. Let's see what happens next shall we? But anyways, for purposes that I shall not say, James is going to be a seeker not a chaser like canon says bc I need him to be a seeker for my plan to work which I'm not even sure what my plan is. lakexlove helped me come up with this during gym class so shout out! My usual beta Potterhead305 is still at school so she hasn't checked or read it and has no clue what's going on so yeah......... My spring breaks coming up in a few weeks and if I'm lucky I think I'll be able to post at least three times. I'll try to post the next two chapters today but no promises! Love you all, byesies 👋

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