Chapter 21

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I look around the park, because it's so early and a weekday there are no kids here. I sit on a swing and Charlotte goes on the one next to me. Considering she's supposed to make sure I don't run off she's very spacious and not full on.


"Hm, yeah?" she asks looking quite dazed. Daydreaming probably.

"Can I tell you about my past?" I surprise myself with the question. I didn't intend for that to happen.

"Sure. If it makes you feel more comfortable I'll tell you about mine." she smiles.

"Okay. So as you know I'm in the hospital for murdering my dad-" I pause as she nods then waits for me to continue. "For years he used to beat my mum, my brothers and me. It was hard to cope with but we tried. He didn't really care about any of us. As the years went on I got more and more angry. I felt the need to kill him. I wanted him out of the picture so my family could be safe. I didn't care about me, just them. Seeing my mum not being able to go out with friends because, one, she wasn't allowed and two, if she was allowed she couldn't dress nice because of all the cuts and bruises. When I was 16 I had, had enough. I took it upon myself to get rid of him for good. I went downstairs to the kitchen and I could hear him beating my mum in their bedroom. I grabbed a knife, went up the stairs, stormed in hiding the knife, when he turned around I plunged it into his chest. I still remember the blood pouring out onto my hand. My mum started screaming not knowing what to do and me, well I ran. I didn't stop running until I got picked up by the police. I obviously didn't go to prison because I'm here now." I try and tell her the story as brief and not very detailed so she doesn't freak out too much. I look up to see a tear falling down her cheek.

I made her cry?

She gets up slowly. She's going to leave me now. They all do.

"Aw Beau." she almost cries walking towards me embracing me in a hug. I automatically wrap my arms around her tightly in fear that she might disappear or leave. "I wish someone could've helped you." I feel her lightly kiss the top of my head and I smile as tears fill my eyes up too.

"I'm okay." I tell her, I'm okay if she's around.

"Do you want to hear my story now?" 

"Yeah. Okay." I can't believe she's trusting me with it. She takes her place back on the swing.

"I was actually 16 too when my life went downhill. I'm 17 almost 18 now just so you know." she adds. I nod not bothering to tell her I'm 18, I expect she knows from my file. "Alright, here I go-" she mutters to herself taking a deep breath. "My parents were the "it couple" so to speak, everyone wanted a relationship like theirs and I will admit they were a match made in heaven. They never argued or anything like that. One day I had a phone call off Aurora, her mum was really sick and her dad was stuck on some business trip that he couldn't get a flight for. I offered to go and help her over the weekend. My parents were fine with it, they popped in to check on us all every so often. Friday night went by okay, Saturday night was fine, but when I walked back home on the Sunday I couldn't believe what was before me. Both my mum and dad hadn't been answering their phones that day and it was quite early when I'd rang so they probably didn't notice so I had to walk home. As I rounded the corner to the street I saw smoke, lots of it. It was all coming from my house. The neighbours were surrounding the place shouting my mum and dad's names but there was no reply. I slowly walked towards the crowd, I was so frightened but I was too shocked to react. They tried to take me away from the house but me being my idiotic self ran towards the house to try and help them. Big mistake, as I reached the front door there was an explosion, I was sent up into the air and landed in the middle of the road. I remember people calling my name but I couldn't reply. My eyes gradually shut until I re woke up again in hospital." she stops so she can fight the tears back she's attempting to hide from me. I look over to her with glassy eyes. Poor girl.

I've fallen for a psycho. (Beau Brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now