~~ For A Keeper, You're Pretty Clueless ~~

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There were five Practitioners around Robbie's bed, Mrs Worcester was standing at the edge of the room and she looked stricken. L could sense the barrier stopping her from getting to the bed, likely to keep her from getting in the way. As soon as she saw L, she rushed over.

"He was helping me clean the house, but he kept getting distracted, looking out of the windows. All of a sudden I heard a thud and he had just collapsed, he wouldn't respond no matter what I did and he started burning up. Look at him, he's roasting and they're saying they don't know what's wrong. They won't let me near him, but L, they keep mentioning poisons... he can't have been poisoned again, we've been through enough already."

Tears were cascading down her face and L held her in one arm. She could see Robbie between two of the Practitioners, his eyes were closed and he was covered in a glistening sheen of sweat. Aside from that and being unconscious, he looked just the same as always.

"Has Archie been to see him?" L knew he was good with poisons and he would be their best bet if that's what it was.

"He has, he looked very different but he said he was Archie and he doesn't think it's any kind of poison but he didn't have an answer either. He went to tell the Council and Peter went looking for you."

L frowned and she moved towards the bed, the barrier tried to stop her but she searched for the right spell and brought it down. The Practitioners turned to look at her but none of them tried to stop her. L moved around the bed until she could stand by Robbie's head, the heat coming off of him felt like a furnace.

L tried to search for some healing method but she couldn't find the right one, not when she didn't know what was wrong with him. She tried to decrease the temperature in the space around the bed by absorbing it into her body, hoping it would help his fever.

"Someone get Edra, call for her, run over there if you have to." L spoke to nobody in particular but one of the Practitioners ran out of the room a second later.

Mrs Worcester came over when she realised the barrier wasn't there anymore and she was sobbing.

"Injuries I can deal with... not very well but I can handle them better than this. This is different... this is invisible and there's nothing I can do." She sobbed while she stood over Robbie.

The Practitioners had stopped their ministrations and they slowly filed out of the room. L was glad, she didn't need them trying stupid things that wouldn't work. Edra was the one they needed, who Robbie needed and L felt less than useless. The room just kept warming back up and even the ice packs the Practitioners had tried had turned to water.

Edra appeared suddenly in the middle of the room; her clothes were dishevelled, her honey blonde hair was now chocolate brown and tied messily on top of her head. She rushed to the bed and began working on Robbie immediately while L watched, and stayed close in case there was anything she could do.

Mrs Worcester was standing back from the bed once again but she rushed to Mr Worcester when he came through the door with Bryce. L's gaze met Bryce's and they shared a tense moment, until Edra broke it, clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but I don't know what's wrong with him. It's not poison that's for sure, by all accounts he should be fine, his breathing is even, his bodily functions are all working. The fever is coming from nowhere I can determine... there is no cause for his body to be acting this way, it's a mystery even to me. I'm sorry I couldn't give you better news."

L was stunned, "You don't have any idea what could be causing it? Not even a wild guess?"

Edra shook her head, "As I said, he should be fine. There is no magic at work, nor any poisons and he's not medically sick. It's very strange, in all my long years I've never seen anything like it."

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