~~~ For A Keeper, You're Pretty Clueless ~~~

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As soon as the door closed behind them, L sighed and turned to look at Robbie.

"Your mum is right though, we shouldn't joke about this when it could be permanent."

Robbie waved it off, "If I can't laugh about it then what's the point? Besides, I have faith that you'll find a way to fix this. We all have more faith in you than you'll ever know."

L was surprised to hear him speaking like that, "When did you turn into Vadim?"

Robbie chuckled, "I'm just saying, you'll help me and if you can't then I'm probably supposed to be this way."

"No, no you're not." L's voice was stern and she leaned over Robbie. "This is not what's supposed to happen to you, I won't believe that for a second. I will find a way to help you, I think I can stop my training sessions after this week so that should free up my time. Speaking of, I need to ask Bryce about our next lesson, but nobody knows where he is."

"Speaking of Bryce," Robbie started with a strange tone to his voice, "I was surprised you two didn't start scrapping that morning I woke up." Robbie was smirking when L turned to look at him.

L shook her head, "I was just annoyed that I wasn't here when you woke up."

Robbie smirked wider, "It felt more tense than that, something else was definitely going on."

"No it wasn't, it was just that," L said but she couldn't lie to Robbie, she peered at him and frowned. "How could you know something like that?"

"For starters I know you, and I noticed something between you two, weeks ago. But mostly I know because we talked about you after I woke up."

"Me? About what?" L felt a little panicked, she told Robbie all kinds of personal things but that didn't mean Bryce could do it too.

Robbie smiled more genuinely now, "We didn't mean to but he was asking how I was and saying how relieved you'd be. He seemed comforted by the thought so I just outright asked him if he liked you."

L's eyes widened dramatically, "Robbie!"

"What? It's about time someone sorted it out between you two, I don't understand why it's so difficult." If Robbie could have moved, he looked like he would have shrugged.

"Wait until you have feelings for someone, then we'll see what you do about it." L countered with an arched brow.

"So you do have feelings for him?" Robbie smiled knowingly.

L scowled but she couldn't make it stick, she sighed and rubbed at her cheek.

"Yeah I think I do, but it doesn't matter, it can't happen. Even if it wasn't for the possibly fatal fight that's coming, I'm not sure he likes me in the same way. Plus, I don't know how to be like that with someone... there are just too many problems. It's easier to stay friends and I plan to tell him that when we finally get to talk." 

Robbie rolled his eyes before she had even finished, "For a Keeper, you're pretty clueless. Of course he has feelings for you, it's obvious. Otherwise he would have just put a stop to any awkwardness long ago and he wouldn't react so badly when you put yourself in danger, or when you're upset. But never mind any of that, he told me he has feelings for you."

L stared at him in surprise, and a little suspicion, "He told you that?"

"Yes, that very morning, he tried to deny it but like you, he realised it was pointless. He said it didn't matter anyway because you liked someone else." L tried to interrupt but Robbie stopped her and he was grinning. "Wait, I'll tell you. It took some time to get it out of him but he actually thought you and I were a thing, or were going to be a thing." 

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