🎭 Death 🎭

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I shakily awoke, quickly getting up and taking a moment to find out where I am.

I'm scared, so fucking scared. There's white all around me. I am hyperventilating so hard right now. Vulnerable piece of shit. Guess the thoughts stick with you.

" Thank god you're awake. "
A blue haired person hugs me as a brown haired person sighs with relief.

Who are they?

Then it hits me all at once.


I cried out, my throat dried but I didn't care. I already promised myself to not let her die.
I saw her take a bunch of pills and I panicked. I instantly ran to her side quick enough to hear a horse

" so..rry.. "

I screamed into Y/N's walky talky to Larry and called 911. I cried into her shoulder, then I remembered the note. I take a look at it and burst out in tears.


I couldn't stand this waiting, I paced around the hospital. Larry sat in a chair and bit his nails anxiously. Then thankfully a doctor walked up to me. " Ms. L/N is alright but we suggest she gets therapy. You may go see her. " I ran to her room, I was so scared for her.

She sat upright in the bed, obviously scared as fuck. I hugged her tightly and so did Larry. Y/N started to cry, but she hugged back. " I'm sorry. " she muttered as we backed away. " Y/N, " Larry shakily said. " I thought you were really dead for a second. " He hugged her tightly again, crying softly into her hospital gown.

" Why'd you do it? "
I frowned.

" Jealousy. "

The room turned silent, I couldn't dare to ask if it was cause Kayla. She continued talking, so we let her. She needs to vent about whatever after what happened.

" I hate these walls. They remind me of the time I twisted my ankle. The pain was unbearable. I hated that day. "

She spoke with envy hidden in her voice. It was Kayla who caused this, I have to cancel that plan.

I whispered to Larry
" Can you leave me and Y/N alone for a sec? "

He nodded and left the room.
" I'm sorry "
I spoke with desperation in my tone, I needed her love back. Correction, I craved her love back. I don't need it, but god it felt like it.
" you knew I loved you, so why the fuck did you betray my trust, my love?! "
She yelled out weakly. Y/N frowned,
" Go away, bring Larry back. "
She moved her hand in a "shoo" motion. I obeyed, and closed the white door behind me.


I would eventually forgive him. It was the dumb bitch in me to do so. I sat, my legs up as I curled into them, a fetal position. I just wanted to cry, I wanted to cry my heart out. I heard the door open again and I looked up to see an exhausted Larry. It had been at least one in the morning, so I couldn't blame the poor guy.

" Hey.. "

My voice sounded pathetic and weak. My throat was horse and dry.

" How are you holding up? "
He worriedly asked.
" Roughly, but to put it in memes, I'm having sad gorl times. "
I chuckled. Larry didn't find it the time to joke around. I frowned.
" I'm such a stupid bitch. " I didn't almost realize the words escaped my mouth. Keyword; almost. " No you're not! You're Y/n with great skills and a life to have! " Larry spoke with such sorrow in his voice. I hated it. It was a sad silence, I motioned shoo again. I heard the door close as I curled up again.

- A w e e k l a t e r -

I was released yesterday, I'm going back to school today. I frown as I approch the school. I haven't made up with Sal. I was such a bitch and I should be the one apologizing. I decide to run in and go apologize. I run straight into her, that bitch Kayla. I hate Kayla so much now that I don't mutter a word, pick myself up, and leave. I hear her pesky friends whisper about me. I'm only a dumb bitch. I continue running. I reach my first classroom of the day, with sal.
I grab his attention, well, everyone's attention in fact. I hate that fucking fact. I look around at everyone. " This is between me and sal, please. " Luckily they listen. I walk up to him. " Sorry for being a little bitch to you. " I look down. " It's fine, but can i go to your apartment after school today, say 4:30? " I nod.

- 4:30 -

I opened the door and saw a cutely dressed up Sal. He had his mask off, and he wore a long white sweater with blue shorts. I felt guilty because he was here for a horrible reason.
" C-come in. " I move off to the side and let him in. He swiftly got inside and awkwardly sat on the couch. I closed the door and locked the two locks we had. I sat down next to him.
Sally began to start talking.
" Listen, I didn't want you to really get involved but I guess I'm forced to. "
I tilted my head like a confused pet. " Nockfell is awfully cursed with ghosts and cult shit. We assume the church is related to the cult due to odd actions they love to do. I figured that Kayla would be involved and I could snatch infomation from her. I'm sorry, I just really want you to be safe. I want everyone  to be safe. " he scooted closer to the edge of the couch and put his hands together, resting them on his lap. Sal put his head on his hands. I cuddled closer to him. " It's okay, I still love you, Sal Fisher. " I hugged his side. I felt him stiffen then suddenly relax. " I love you too, Y/N Fisher. " He joked.

And everything was great.

T u e s d a y
Brought to you by me because this chapter is taking too long.
I awoke with a jump. I look at the time and saw it was about 3:20. I had an unnerving nightmare. I was crying and taking very deep breaths.
I was running.
Where? I didn't fucking know.
It's catching up,
The thing.
I was scared.
I could die.
It haunted me,
In my dreams,
In real life,
probably even after death.
I really wish I could've lived normally.
My life is so fucked up I can't even
I decide for some reason that now would be a good time to go out. My parents are deep sleepers and will sleep through a tornado. I grab my F/C hoodie and bolt out the door. I use the elevator, surprisingly. But it goes to the 4th floor. I'm worried as I still get out. I see him. The demon. I stare in fear, and he goes away. I hesitate when I get to Sal's door.
Should I open it?

1197 words

Aaaa I'm excited for next chapter
I took very long with this one so I will try to get the next one out soon!
Peace, Akiko! 💕

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