The hotel

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    Its nighttime when you zap into existence. You're dressed in a hotel clerk's uniform, and a coworker is slumped in the desk seat next to you, fast asleep on the job.

    Suddenly the sliding glass doors ope, and you can hear the pouring rain outside as the expected people enter. "Ah." You smile, looking up. "Phil Coulson and Melinda May."

    The two soaking wet figures jolt with shock, staring up at you. Agent May reaches for her thigh. You know an I.C.E.R awaits. "Calm down. I'm a friend of Fury." You tell them. Neither relax. "I'm assuming the Zephyr crashed?" You nod, and the two agents look at you with bewilderment.

    "How did you know?" Coulson asks. May reaches again for her gun.

    'I've read enough fanfiction to know', would be your preferred reply, but instead you just smile. "Mad skills." You grin. "Would you like to book a room for the night?" You ask politely.

     "Two rooms." May says.

    "I'll give it to ya' free if you take just one." You wiggle your eyebrows, hoping to spark the beginning of one of your favorite tropes.

    "We'll take two." May insists, and you sigh as you override the desk computer and book them two rooms, joined by a door. "Here you are, sleepyheads." You mutter, and hand them the keycards. 

    You watch them amble off before pressing a button on the inter-worker communication walkie-talkie thing and say, "Someone remove the bed from room 152 immediately!"

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