The lighthouse

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    Turns out you've already visited this particular timeline because hot damn you can hear everything going on in there.

   "Wha- are you alright, agent?" Daisy looks at you, watching you stare at the door in front of you.

   "'I' am not doing my best, but it seems the director is doing just fine." You reference to the wall. "'I' am being forced to listen to that." you tell her, "Because they are right beside my bunk."

   Daisy concentrates, focusing on using her power to test your theory, then suddenly pops her eyes open. "Oh god." She coughs. "Yeah. . . those sure are some. . . interesting, uh, vibrations." She presses her lips together in a grimace as another thump reverberates through the wall.

   "I know. . ." you grin. "I hope Coulson can keep up, or poor May's gonna have to do all the work." You smirk and Daisy drops her mouth open. "Perv!"

    You smile once more as you zap out of existence as soon as Daisy turns away.

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