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Wayne's POV

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Wayne's POV

The girls are finally out of the house. Great. We can for once do whatever shit we want again after months since Kel moved in. Not that we don't normally try, but Kel is a girl after all. And she most probably wouldn't be comfortable watching her brother have an orgy while she's in the house.

Not that I'm actually organizing one.

In fact, tonight will be a laid-back night. All four of us agree to simply game tonight, eat, maybe grab a drink or two and that's it. We also get to talk about pussies and shit that we don't normally do when the girls are around. It's weird letting them hear however we describe our latest adventure on bed.

"Eh. Don't you think that Ally is losing interest in you, bro?" Drew suddenly brings it up while we're in mid-game of a CS:GO ranked match. They all brought their laptops along while I'm using my desktop in my room. Discord is an awesome server to use despite us all being in the same house.

"Shut up," I order him through the mic. They've been trying to get me to talk to this Ally girl for the longest time ever. Even my own sister is doing it. I have no clue why. She clearly isn't the sort of girl that's suitable for me. I fuck and throw girls. She's not.

"I'm serious. I have a hunch she's going out there to get some tonight."

"Drew, behind you!" Zac calls out when he spots an enemy. It's ridiculous how Drew always tries to bring up the most random topic while the rest of us are focusing in game.

"Well then, let her have some." I reply coldly. It's none of my business what she chooses to do. I barely even know that girl, and I'm determined to keep it that way.

"Okay. If you don't want her, I'll take her then!" Drew taunts me.

I mockingly shoot him and he curses. "I don't care. And you won't touch her either. She's a virgin for christ's sake."

"I like virgins." Carson says out of the blue, causing us to guffaw out loud.


After the game, which we almost lost but won thankfully since we have two Global Elites on the team, I come out of my room and join them in the living room. We decide to play on console now and at the same time, make some late-night snacks to eat.

Drew and Zac are browsing the array of games I own, while I head to the fridge to take out some microwaveable food for all of us.

"Is it just me or are the girls spam calling?" Carson questions when he goes to retrieve his phone. We had a forty-five minutes long game, so it explains why we left our phone aside.

"Maybe it's just you." I reply, tearing up plastic wrappers from the packing.

"No, really. I don't think it's just me. Check your phones." Carson says somewhat frantically. His urgency catches our attention and we all put down what we are doing to get our phones at the same time.

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