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(Picture of Ally Edison)
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"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose."

"Shut up, Andrew." I yell out from my bedroom. The door's left open and his voice is ringing throughout the house. Clearly, it's way too early to be singing Christmas carols at 9AM in the morning.

"Come down and help me or I'll keep singing!" He shouts back.

Cass and Drew had just come back from Florida after spending Christmas Eve with their family. Somehow, the both of them figured out their home is pretty near to each and made plans to fly in and out together. Ally also spent Eve having dinner with her family. Only Zac and Carson stayed with Wayne and I here in the house, watching Christmas movies and playing video games.

We all specifically planned to spend Christmas day itself together and weirdly, they decided it'd be good to start the day this early.

I ignore Drew's request, still lounging on my bed lazily scrolling through my phone. Wayne went out to pick Ally up while Carson picks Cass up from campus dorm.

"All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names!"

I groan, annoyed at Drew's attempt of bad singing. He absolutely cannot sing for nuts and add it up with my morning crankiness.

"Shut up!" I yell once again.

I faintly hear Zac's chuckles from downstairs before he joins in. "They never let poor Rudolph, join in any reindeer games."

I head downstairs, just in time for Wayne to arrive home with Ally following behind. After all these time, they're still relatively awkward with each other. Ally sees me descending the stairs and jumps up cheerily, racing to wait for me at the foot of the steps.


"I don't get it. How is everyone so happy on a holiday morning? My day don't start until like 2 o'clock." I grumble, shrugging her hands off me as I head straight towards the couch.

I see Drew standing up on a chair, taping up the garlands I bought previously. That was supposed to be my job but my short-ass decided I can't reach the ceiling no matter how I try. I then left the bags of decorations in the middle of the living room floor so that someone else will do the work. How smart of me.

"How did you like my singing?" Drew says in a sing-song voice, mocking me.

"Yeah, my ear drums needed immediate medical attention. Thank you for your concern."

"Someone's snappy today." Wayne comments, dropping his keys into the dish bowl before checking out the food on the dining table.

Zac abruptly appears from behind me, shoving a cup of hot chocolate in my hands. "Drink this, princess. Your attitude can kill." He chuckles, sneaking a kiss on the top of my head when no one's watching.

Short while later, Carson finally comes back with Cass. They hold hands shamelessly and even swings it high as they walk through the door.

"I get it. You two are happy lovebirds. Tone it down." I narrow my eyes at them. I'd bet people must be thinking I'm probably on my period.

"Wow?" They say in unison before untangling their intertwined fingers.

"Someone pooped in your cereal, Owens?"

"How?" I shoot back. "How on earth are you so awake right now when you were the one who refused to put down the damn phone until 4AM?"

"Ohhhh," Cass trails off knowingly. "It's the lack of sleep acting." She pats my head. "To be fair, I was ten minutes late when Carson reached the dorm. Man, I need one of those hot choco you have." She stands up and heads to the kitchen instead.

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