- Hyunjeong x Luna -

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so this is totally garbage bc I rushed this kinda,,,, but like yeet, yknow 🤠


       Music blared through my earbuds as sweat dripped from my forehead. Today, we have to run our mandatory mile. Four times around the track in the searing April heat. I don't mind too much, though, since running can help me clear my mind. Lately, I haven't been able to focus, I've been noticing odd behavior from Hyunjin. He and I had been best friends since we were in diapers, and I've always looked at him as a brother. Recently, though, Hyunjin has been shy around me, despite knowing me for so many years; it's just not like him.

       My thoughts blow over as I hear the gym teacher blow his whistle, "Go in and change, slow pokes!" I bent down to rest my hands on my knees before glancing up, seeing Jeongin. He pushed back his sweaty hair with a big, bright smile on his face as he saw me. Jeongin and I have been friends since the 7th grade, and you get pretty close with someone once you’ve known them for five years. "Hey Luna!" Jeongin grinned as I paused my music, "It's so hot today, I can't believe Mr. Simmons made us run the mile." My mouth opened wide at his words, "You got your braces off!!" He smiled widely, "I know, how do I look?" Jeongin put on a goofy look, but it was quickly washed away as I held his face between my hands. His eyes looked elsewhere as pink flushed his cheeks. I dropped my hands and muttered a "Sorry," before Jeongin rubbed his neck announcing, "Let's go. We need to change." And with that we made our way back inside.


       I tied up my laces and walked over to the mirror. My outfit today was a black, oversized knit sweater with high-waisted, pale blue mom jeans. I finished off the ensemble with orange high-top converse and a matching barrette; my short, wavy hair falling to my shoulders. I flipped on my bag and headed out of the locker room. I was about to walk out when Jennifer came up to me, "Hey loser, I saw you talking to Jeongin; I thought I already told you to leave him alone." I rolled my eyes, "Jennifer, quit being such a bitch. You are wasting my time, so move." I pushed passed her as I heard her scoff saying, "Who do you think you are?"

       I made my way out of the gym until I felt a grab on my shoulder, "Jennifer, what did I say-" I was met with Jeongin's confused gazed, "It's me chill out," he laughed a bit, "I just wanted to say that I need to talk to you later. So, when you have time, can you text me?" I smiled, nodding, before he waved and walked off.

       As I walked through the hall to my next class, I decided to put that to the back of my mind. I will just talk to him during lunch, I thought. I turned down the hallway to get to my locker. I spotted Hyunjin leaning beside it, talking to Changbin. I made my way to my locker greeting them, “Hey losers.” I smiled at them playfully. Hyunjin rolled his eyes responding, “Hey ugly.” I pushed him to the side, accessing my locker. Hyunjin let out a loud laugh, “Changbin and I are gonna go to class, oh, and also, I need to talk to you at lunch so meet me by the water fountain.” Hyunjin winked at me turning and heading down the hall. I shook my head at his weird, flirtatious personality. Suddenly, the thought that I put to the back of my mind, jumped to the front. Shit, I thought, I have to meet Jeongin at lunch, I guess I will just have to make it quick.


       I walked into my biology class and sat by my partner, Yuqi. “Hey Luna, what’s up.” She smiled brightly at me, “Not much,” I responded as I shrugged my shoulders. Her eyebrows furrowed, “’Not much’? Okay, really, what’s wrong?” Her serious gazed caught my own as I sighed, “It’s really not a big deal, but both Hyunjin and Jeongin need to talk to me and,” I shrugged again, “it’s just been on mind.” Yuqi thought for a moment, “Well it’s probably nothing bad? Don’t worry about it, but remember that you can always talk to me about anything” I nodded and smiled before she turned back towards the teacher who was beginning his lecture. Yuqi is right, I thought to myself, it’s probably nothing, I should just focus on my studies.

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