Defying the Stars

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The main butler of Cardolia's castle stood in the doorway of a grand room with large windows, high ceilings, and astonishing architecture; it was the physical picture of "living lavish". Despite the amazing view before him, he held an exasperated expression upon his face. The butler stood, staring at a young boy fast asleep on his excessively large bed. Despite snoozing away happily, Hyunjin was expected to be up already.

To start his day, he would've been downstairs in the dining room 15 minutes ago. The castle's main butler, Asiago, stood in the doorway to wake-up the young prince, but before he could, the latter groaned after rolling off the side of his spacious bed with a thump. "Master Hyunjin, are you alright?" Asiago stepped forward with caution as Hyunjin slowly raised his head.

"Yes, I think I'm alright..." He gently rubbed the top of his head, wincing slightly. "Um, sir?"

Hyunjin looked up at Asiago. "Yes?"

The latter pointed at the clock hung on the wall behind them, "You're fifteen minutes late for your scheduled breakfast." Without a moment to spare, the young prince shot up and dashed to his closet to select a decent outfit.


Just over in the neighboring kingdom, Yagon, Prince Seungmin's day was starting early, but not busy. Seungmin sat on his balcony, taking in a breath of the fresh morning air. He had the entire day full of nothing to do at all. He wanted to take advantage of this day and relax a bit; chill and do absolutely nothing.

Seungmin let a long breath out just before he heard a knock at his door. He slightly turned and shouted, "Come in!" He turned back, facing the beautiful scenery before him.

"Prince Seungmin, I have some news from your mother." The prince turned to face the servant delivering this message to him, "Your parents are holding a party tonight, and they want you to look your best. It starts at 5, so be ready then!"

Seungmin posted a wide smile on his face, "Of course, I will be looking forward to it." The servant bowed, leaving the room. The moment the door shut, Seungmin slid down in his seat on the balcony and groaned. His plans for today were to relax, certainly not to go to some stupid party.


Hyunjin bowed, leaving the table, heading out to the courtyard. He huffed out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in. His girlfriend, Yuqi, had felt quite distant to Hyunjin lately. He had just felt like she never even made an effort to see him or always "had plans".

Hyunjin huffed out a breath, and laid down in the grass. The lush greenery surrounding him was a comforting feel to the young prince. Hyunjin heard a few footsteps inching towards his spot in the grass before looking up to see the owner. A tall guard stood before him, "Master Hyunjin, you have a visitor waiting for you at the front of the castle."

Hyunjin sat up from the grass, "Oh, okay, thank you." The prince bowed before hurrying off to the front gates of the castle.

Upon arriving, Hyunjin spied an elegant carriage. It had large, round, gold wheels and crowned tops on each corner of the carriage. He noticed someone opening the door of the carriage and stepping out. It was Yuqi.


Seungmin laid on his bed, trying his best to do nothing for the last minutes he had. Glancing up at the clock, Seungmin knew he had to prepare for the party soon, guests would be arriving in about an hour.

The prince walked over to his closet. Upon walking in, he was greeted by a familiarly large space. In the center of the wardrobe stood a sizable island, holding all of Seungmin's accessories. Along the wall, there were racks for the prince's finest regalia, and drawers for fold-able, more casual attire.

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