Chapter one- First day

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Hey Angels, I'm back and this is my first chapter, it might be boring but trust me there will be some juicy parts coming up hehe. this chapter is on juliana's pov and ill be only doing juliana's pov but maybe i can do another book but with adams pov, let me know what you think. anywho please vote, comment and follow me thank you. byeeeeee Angles  

- Anushka  

29th January 2019: Juliana's P.O.V

BEEP BEEP! My alarm clock goes off to indicate it's the first-day hell again. I dragged myself out of bed to the shower, the hot water was streaming down my back.. it felt better than ever. After a good 20 minutes of showering I got dressed, I wore an off the shoulder grey crop top that a little above my belly button, matching short skirt and cute boots with a little heel. As I'm doing my makeup I will tell you my life story because trust me my make up will take a longgg time. Okay so let's start off with my age and then my status/ reputation at school, l ma 17 turning 18 on May 12th my reputation at school is pretty big I'm basically like the rich, sweet and popular high school "it" girl. l have two beautiful besties Lexi and Jayden their like my sisters I've known Jayden for 15 years now and Lexi for 6. Jayden is 17, 18 on May 25th, and Lexi is 17, 18 on June 4th, I love everyone in our school but this one boy Adam Lee ugh, I hate him with all my heart his the biggest player ever he plays with girls like he plays with toys he seriously can't stop messing around with girls heart, unfortunately my two besties Lexi and Jayden are dating Adam's best mates Carson and Jake which means we hang out together a lot which means me and Adam hang out a lot but I still hate him a  Okay, that's about it, I'm finished my make-up and I think I'm all ready to start the first day of a senior. I got up from my huge vanity and walked right out of my room. I walked steadily down my curved stairs to my enormous kitchen, got a breakfast bar, car keys and headed out the door. Later I reached my school parking lot and parked my jaguar 2019 Xf, I walked down the hall whilst everybody looked and whistled. I walked to my locker where my besties, their dumb boyfriends and uhh Adam that's unusual but anyway are waiting for me.

" Hey boo," Jayden and Lexi both says while hugging me

"Hey, why in the world is he here shouldn't he be with one of his side chicks," I say with a lot of sass

" he uhh has umm no one to hook up with," Carson said tells me nervously

"okay but I wasn't asking you dumb wit"

" yea whatever let's go bros" Carson rebuked

As he said those words, Carson, Jake and Adam left, and us girls were talking until the bell went and we parted ways to our classes. It was in between class time when Adam bursts through the doors, oh no this can't end well... 

" Mr. Adam Lee, may l ask why were you late?" The teacher asked

" you may not okay now shut up!" he snapped back

the whole class giggled while l was here thinking why was he late? what was he doing? why is he so angry?

"SILENCE" yelled the teacher 

the whole classroom went quiet. her voice was echoing back and forth on the walls. l wanted to know why he was acting so different today so me being me I just got up and dragged Adam by the arm right out of the room without saying one word. I ended up taking Adam to the janitors closet but not to do what you think a normal girl would do with Adam Lee.

" so Adam why were you late? huh were u hoo----"  

" no, it's not what you think it's just I was having some problems with a uhh a umm dude and I was frustrated"

 he informed me. but something just telling me he wasn't telling me the truth. but his eyes just distracted me from everything, I never knew how beautiful his eyes we were standing legit 7 centimeters away from each other's lips and before I knew it he.......

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